App Post

Sep 29, 2011 16:18

Out-of-Character Information
Name: Lola
Are you over 15?: Sometimes
LJ username: kuribojump
Time Zone: -10 GMT
AIM: kingoftheboo OR kuribojump
Tegaki: Darkprognosticus
Anything Else?: …Hhhhhi.

In-Character Information
Name: Rover the Unknown Cat
Game/Series: Animal Crossing
Canon Point: Animal Crossing
Age & Teaching Position: 23, Field Trip Organizer and New Student Orientation and Tour Guide
Living Arrangements: On-Campus


Rover is quite possibly the most happy-go-lucky and friendly person- er, cat- that you will ever meet! Rover always wants to help people, on both an individual and a wide-scale level. He doesn’t find helping people taxing, or tiring, as he is outgoing, warm, and genuinely loves people. Rover has an odd type of charm to him, a sort of manic friendliness bordering on craziness.

Rover has strong and sometimes surprising values and viewpoints. He will often try to use his social skills and friends to persuade others gently, but enthusiastically, to do what he thinks is the right thing. Often this will result in people thinking he is too nosy, and trying to be too involved in their lives, while Rover only sees it as being helpful and doing the right thing.

Rover has a sort of short attention span, and can be easily distracted by a possible new friend, however, this does not mean he forgets his old friends. Indeed, he’ll never forget anyone he ever meets and gets along with, which is generally everyone.

Overall, Rover is pleasant, friendly, and pawsitive positive with nearly everyone he meets, even grumpy people. He loves traveling around and finding new things, as well as keeping souvenirs as memories from friends or places he’s visited.


Not too long ago, in the small town of Smashville, there lived a young tomcat named Rover. Rover loved Smashville- the flowers, the sunshine, the trees, the celebrations!- but most of all Rover loved his neighbors. Peppy neighbors, lazy neighbors, normal neighbors, jock neighbors, even snooty and grumpy neighbors absolutely delighted Rover! Anytime anyone ever came to the town, Rover would make it his first priority to meet and greet them, maybe even give them a tour if they would follow him!

Rover made many friends, in fact, he was friends with nearly everyone in the town, despite the fact that some of the neighbors didn’t consider him a friend. Occasionally, one of his neighbors would decide they wanted to move, sometimes secretly to get away from him. Rover would plead for them not to leave, he would remind them how great Smashville was, what good friends they were! Sometimes they would stay, other times, at the mention of how good friends they were, they would pack even more hastily.

Whenever a neighbor left, Rover would badger them into promising that they would write back and forth, maybe even send gifts occasionally. He’d then stand at the train station, waving until the train chugged out of sight, smiling brightly. Sometimes animals or people that had moved away would still write or send gifts, other times they’d completely forget about Rover.

One day, while Rover was conversing with a neighbor, he wondered aloud where the traveling town guests came from and went to. The neighbor, who had long since been ignoring Rover’s rambling conversation, sarcastically suggested he follow one on the train and find out. Rover enthusiastically said it was a great idea, much to the neighbor’s surprise, and ran off to pack.

Rover loved Smashville. The neighbors were so friendly, Pelly was always so polite, and the Able Sisters were so charming. He promised himself he would come back as soon as he found out where the travelers came from and went to. Maybe he’d even meet some of his old friends who had moved away! As he got on the train, he gave Smashville one last smile. The train door closed behind him and he began his travels.

Immediately he began enjoying himself just following different random travelers around. He’d sit down across from them, or next to them, and ask them all sorts of questions. Where are you going? What’s your name? Are you going to live there? Some travelers would find him charming, sometimes even helpful, others would find him creepy, even annoying. But he didn’t mind! As long as they gave a noncommittal grunt every once and a while when he asked them questions he was sure he was well on his way towards friendship.

Every once and a while, Rover would stop back at Smashville. He would talk to Tom Nook to catch up on how things were looking for his business, he would meet some of the new neighbors there, he would visit his old friends. But at the end of the day, he would not stay. He would get back on the train, and ride it to wherever it would take him. He was quite happy with this new life, a life on the tracks. He would make so many new friends, meet so many interesting faces, see so many new places! Rover silently told himself that this was the only life for him, a life of traveling, exploring, befriending, and adventure!

One day, Rover heard Porter announce their new stop: Final Destination City. When they stopped, Rover jumped off the train eagerly. He had never been to a big city before- it was huge! Rover spent about a week just wandering around, exploring and talking to people.

One day, he saw a flyer for a school, advertising job posts. Rover was overcome with excitement when he read that they were in need of a new student orientation officer. That meant meeting and greeting, getting to know them, giving them tours, helping them! It seemed like his dream job, and what an exciting name: Smash Academy! Rover’s short attention span made him forget his promise to live life as a traveler, as he happily asked a frightened civilian where Smash Academy was.

Anything Else?:

• Rover is about 4.5 feet tall in kitty form.
• Rover has blue and white fur and red eyes.
• Even when he’s a person, he still has kitty ears and a tail.
• Rover is 5 ft. 9 in. in human form.
• He almost always wears his red argyle sweater.

In-Character 1st person writing sample (journal):

Hi everyone! My name is Rover, and I’ll be your new New Student Orientation and Tour Guide and Field Trip Organizer! Mya ha ha howr! What a mouthful, am I right?

First things first, I’m really glad to be here in Smash Academy! So far those big handy guys have been really friendly and helpful, and I hope I be the same way to all of you students- and teachers as well!

Now, is the time and date 6:02 PM, September 29th, 2011? I travel around so much I don’t know when I am about half the time! Mya ha ha howr! Get it? When I am!

But seriously, what day is it?

In-Character 3rd person writing post:

Rover continued chatting up the harassed looking elderly woman. “And then there’s sea bass, which can be pretty big, I guess, but there’s just so darn many of them! I mean really! You think it’s a snapper and them BAM!” She recoiled a bit as he yelled suddenly and leaned forward unexpectedly. “Sea bass!” He noticed she was looking particularly nastily at him, and decided she must be thinking about how terrible sea bass were. “Yeah see what I mean? Hardly sell for enough bells to buy a chair, too!” He leaned in close with a paw sheltering the side of his mouth, as if sharing an explicit secret. “But you see, I’ve been talking to Nook about those notorious little suckers, yeah?” He glanced back and forth as if to check that no one was listening, when in fact the woman wasn’t even paying attention to him anymore, trying to pretend that he wasn’t there. “And he says they taste pretty good. ‘But Nook!’ I say. ‘If they taste so good why won’t you shell out more bells for them, huh?’” He leaned back with a grin as if relishing a particularly good joke he was about to tell. “And he says, ‘Because they actually taste like carp!’” He gave a dramatic pause, waiting for the woman to laugh at his punchline. But she had walked away, all the way to the bus stop down the road.

Rover sighed and slumped down on the bus stop bench. ‘She must like sea bass’, he thought. ‘They always seem to.’

ooc; app post

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