da first

Mar 16, 2008 22:21

Hey ho merry oh! Well, yea.

You'll know me as hitsugayasugar on fanfic.net, and I have another lj account, bbbbut, this one here was set up for the sole purpose of posting all my stories and whatnots. Enough of my babbling. I'll just put up a drabble I typed on my phone a few days ago, which I posted to sasuxnaru under my other lj.

Da Title: Something Like Forever
Da Writer: B me!
Da Boys: SasuNaruSasu
Da Disclaimer: Naruto. Property of Uch-.. I mean, Kishimoto.
Da SmallTalk: When time messes with them like this, forever doesn't exist; and Naruto is muttering vehemently somewhere in the background.

Something Like Forever

Every single time they spar, the individual factor of time comes into play very differently for the two of them.

To Sasuke, it feels as though time has momentarily stopped. Everything freeze frames in an almost cartoon-like fashion. Nothing matters anymore; obliterated in a manner of speaking, and the air is as still as Sasuke himself, who crouches and awaits the perfect opportunity to throw a decoy kunai before lunging for his opponent.

For Naruto, it is a completely different story. The instant they start fighting each other, he feels as though time is speeding up. As if all the seconds and minutes are rushing past him trying to escape to another realm, and the wasted time frustrates him to no end (he could have been beating Sasuke up!) The wind whistles in his ear as he jumps from branch to branch avoiding Sasuke’s artfully thrown kunais and he curses when one whizzes too close to his cheek and adds a fourth marking to the three already on his tanned face.

When it all ends and they lie on the hard ground trying to regain their senses, they’re harbouring conflicting thoughts again (as usual). This time round, Sasuke feels as though time has warped and is pushing past him faster than ever as he watches Naruto’s chest heave with the effort to put more air into his oxygen-deprived lungs. He thinks Naruto must be some kind of stamina-enhanced freak to recover so quickly. But then again, he thinks for the umpteenth time, Naruto is an idiot, and maybe idiots of such a large scale have some sort of strange ability to manipulate time and… stuff.

‘It doesn’t matter if Naruto can control time; I still won today.’ Sasuke thinks smugly. He is, however, still miffed when Naruto hops up, fully recovered, and challenges him to another spar. Irrationally blinded by pure irritation for that split second, (you’re good at making up excuses, Sasuke’s brain supplies half-heartedly) he pulls the orange-clad boy down hard and presses his lips to Naruto’s.

Naruto’s brain short circuits and suddenly, he feels as though all time has stopped and he wants to stay in this position forever. He voices this thought out unconsciously (too overwhelmed by Sasuke and the taste of his lips!) when they part for air and Sasuke smirks.

When time messes with them like this, forever doesn’t exist. Sasuke repeats the last part of this thought to Naruto, who scoffs and pouts (muttering “why can’t you just live the moment for a bit you bastard?”) Sasuke averts his gaze from Naruto’s bright blues, but it doesn’t stop him from grasping Naruto’s hand just a little tighter.


drabble, sasunaru

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