Oct 20, 2008 16:30
My 'also a friend of' section is nearly up to 50 people, which is ridiculous (for me), so basically this post is me mentioning a few things for people who have me friended but who I haven't friended back:
1. I am currently primarily fannish about bandom. The locked bits of this journal are essentially bandom and a little bit of RL. There is no SPN or DW or TW here currently, so if you have friended me through one of those, sorry. Though I am fannishly fickle and this could change at anyyyyy moment.
2. If you're just here for icons and fic, those are always unlocked.
So if you're not put off, comment here and say hi or why you friended me or whatever and I'll friend you back.
Also, while I'm making such an announce-y type post, defriending amnesty? If you want rid of me, I promise I won't throw a tantrum.*
*Okay, so there are a few people I would throw a tantrum at if they defriended me, but I am fairly certain that they will not be defriending me any time soon. I AM SURE YOU ALL KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND IF YOU ARE IN ANY DOUBT AS TO WHETHER I AM REFERRING TO YOU, IT IS NOT YOU.