"...no," Anakin says, frozen in place. "Mom will be happiest if you just sit down for dinner and don't, uh..." He shrugs against Vader's grip, and lets the sentence go.
LIGHTBULB. It's a metaphorical lightbulb, but Anakin definitely uses that trick he learnt from Jacen to ~imprint~ the image in Vader's head. (It probably fails and looks like a 5yo drew a balloon, but anyway.)
Vader releases his grip and prods the image suspiciously, but then forgets why he was suspicious in the first place and slowly takes a seat at the table.
He then begins to pile each one of his grandchildren's plates with tubers, more than any of them could possibly want or eat.
He ruffles Anakin's hair fondly
"You are Good. You are Strong."
Whoever was supposed to be supervising grandpa is in so much trouble.
He waves his unlit lightsaber towards the armchair that apparently now exists in the corner.
"You should be more comfortable, Grandfather."
"I will break this world to make you safe."
Anakin tries, futilely, to break free. He shifts his arms a bit, and grimaces at Vader.
"I ... can keep it safe myself."
"I hate them. They will come for you. No, its better if I keep you close. Your mother will finally be happy with me."
Vader's train of thought is difficult to follow, but the final stop seems to be Locked in the Panic Room Town. Think fast.
LIGHTBULB. It's a metaphorical lightbulb, but Anakin definitely uses that trick he learnt from Jacen to ~imprint~ the image in Vader's head. (It probably fails and looks like a 5yo drew a balloon, but anyway.)
He then begins to pile each one of his grandchildren's plates with tubers, more than any of them could possibly want or eat.
But eventually, someone asks what people are thankful for, and Anakin jr blinks and looks at, er, himself. He's not sure of an answer beyond that.
And loudly.
Anakin Jr pockets his comm unit, then smiles awkwardly at his grandfather.
He pokes ants at Vader's cape.
"No comms at the table," he rumbles. "There is no war going on, no excuses."
(Anakin Jr just shrugs, and pockets his comm + parts. Jacen being younger than him is weird enough that he'll enjoy it where he can.)
"Whaddya mean about a war, mister?"
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