My sewing area is out of control. Please enjoy my panda slippers and sneaky Billiam in the corner XD
I think I miss lolita now. I miss the feeling of dressing up and feeling cute only to have people harass you and go, "wtf are you". I guess that doesn't make too much sense. What a strange past like six months this has been! I'm not really sure what this all means, but I'm really inspired and I think I need to go to the fabric store. XD
Looks like I am going to Sakura con after all. Just so you know! Debra and I have been working really hard on our epic cosplay that I'm forbidden to tell you about! Also, Nono is done (mostly) and I need a long pink wig. Hahahahaha so stuuuupid
So I think a huge reason I'm feeling better is because Eric started grad school this month. Just to see him off everyday, fulfilling his goals, and finally seeing that light at the end of the tunnel. He's in a better mood because of it too. sounds pretty cliche, but I'm so so happy for him. I'm glad to know that I've had some help in getting him to this point too :) how mushy! What can I say, I love my husband XD
MY BIRTHDAY IS COMING UP ON THE 16TH BITCHES. anyone interested in a meet? I miss everyone D: in return: