hey, 2011! that was fast. rapidly closing in on the day i will be married, which i never thought i'd say. but it's been coming for a long time, and i'm doing what i want to. we'll be married officially january 15th, then he'll be back for most of february, and we'll move to hawaii in the beginning of march. i'll come back for gulliver.
home, yes i am home! home is when i'm alone with you.
reflecting on 2010 and seeking out the ocean, roaming, cooking, promise ringing, so many long rides in your car with your jams, people in the streets, a ben folds concert, visits from friends, psychic roommates, your approaching china trip and scared stuck broke in berkeley..
working and coming back for more of you and hotels and 6 hour trips repeatedly from la to monterey.
back to title work and a shockingly great support group. telling our parents. prep work.
new years resolutions, do those still exist?
honestly just trying to figure out how to be kinder.
less stressed.
and make a hell of a home.
drunk kids