Nov 11, 2009 07:01
I re-discovered this and have found that I missed writing in it. No one will read it but me, but upon reflection of old posts, I have found that I am A) Hilarious and B)Usually sinfully accurate. (See audition post)
Basically, here I am. No longer in the bliss of all blisses which is my apartment. It will be missed. It already is missed.
I dont really have much else to say. Pittsurgh Connections is this weekend, so there is rehearsal for that in an hour. I have realized that I am not in Patrick's top five, but top seven, which is still pretty good. Before me is Brynn (obviously), Amanda (obviously), Jessie, Brianna/Brenda, and Samantha. Then maybe me along with James. Oh yeah, there is Zack. Zach is his ultimate favourite, so I guess we're bumped up to eight. Not that I'm complaining, top ten is all I ask. At least he knows my name. It sucks that we won't have him next semester, now that we finally understand him, and he is getting to know us. We have Lindy next term. I swear to god, if she makes me do Balanchine shit I will get incredibly pissed off. You can't just change classical ballet, asshole! At least Patrick agrees with that.
Anyway, I have to put a french twist in my hair from right to left- which means I'll do it from left to right, cuz I cant fingure out how to reverse it.