You and me could write a bad romance

Dec 22, 2011 18:29

I still think the new default comment page is ugly and comes with a lot of user issues, which means I'm not going to consider renewing my paid account until I see a response from LJ's side. This however means that the comment page on my LJ, as of now, will be the new comment page, which, I'm told, has been triggering headaches for some people - something about the bright blue on white. I'm not turning off comments on LJ, but if you're perhaps in danger of getting a headache, you can comment on DW instead (the link is on the bottom of every LJ post, since I crosspost and will continue to do so).


Meanwhile, comics. Comics have made me very happy today. First there was Wonder Woman, which thankfully was up in comixology, albeit rather late (they really need to get on with updating their app in time), and it was wonderful and heartbreaking. I admit I have no willpower when it comes to my favourite people crying, it gets me every time, and Diana crying is just AAAAAAAAAH ;_____; The scenario is not new - something terrible happens to Hippolyta/the Amazons, Diana has angst, but damn if it doesn't get me every time. I repeat: AAAAAAAAAAAH

I am relieved that so far, Diana is not remotely bothered about having a biological father - what matters to her is still her mother and her relationship with her.

What was I not expecting was for Hera to be such a sympathetic figure - her scene with Hippolyta was magnificent, and oh, Chiang's art. The colouring by Matthew Wilson. I now understand what Azzarello meant by 'horror'.

I am sorry to see Strife go, but I'm sure she'll be back soon, making mischief and annoying Diana while also having a lot of sexual tension with her.

In conclusion: why is the next issue not out yet I want to see what happens OMG

Then there was Leviathan Strikes. Grant Morrison can have my firstborn now. Not only did he write Steph BEAUTIFULLY (complete with BQM's dialogue boxes ;__;), but he also had the Insect Girls back as villains, who now look like this:

That's right, Gaga, Rihanna and Madonna. Katy Perry was there too.

I'm wondering now if the headmistress will be Kathy Kane, which will add a whole new level of complications. The second story, in particular, made me weep for what could have been: Morrison clearly wanted to write a grand Batman story as the coda to his epic run, with ALL the Batfamily involved and playing their part. But DCnU has scuttled things so, and I honestly don't know how things will make sense with the second part - will it still be in the old DCU? Will Steph and Cass still be Batgirl and Black Bat? Will Oracle exist? And just think how much more fun it would have been if this took place while things were still where they were in the Batverse. There are some great things about DCnU (see: Wonder Woman), but I miss my Batverse something fierce. Comics fandom is hard.

Nightwing #4 was rather unimpressive, despite Babs' presence: I don't know any 'Richard' Grayson, sorry, unless it's someone like Diana calling him Richard. I think I'm ready to pick up Birds of Prey now though - Babs is back and Dinah is still Dinah (even with a new girlfriend), and I've only been hearing good things about the book. |
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comic: batgirl, livejournal, comic: wonder woman, comic: batman

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