
Oct 08, 2011 22:07

To begin on a completely shallow note, is it just me or was Anna Torv looking extraordinarily pretty in this episode? It might have been the combination of geeky glasses + braid in the beginning and the hoodie afterwards. Can she please always keep looking like this?

I also could not help but notice that Olivia and Lincoln Lee have matching glasses and Olivia just offered to be there for Lincoln - opening herself up to people, she does not normally do that - and that they are rather pretty together. Not to mention the documented fact that Lincoln Lees tend to like Olivias a lot. Now, I realise that Lincoln Lee was in love with SGA Dude's character and that he'll be back as a zombie shapeshifter (er, not a spoiler - pure speculation on my part) to torment him some more, but I would be 100% on board the good ship Olivia/Lincoln Lee.

It's weird: I ship Olivia with everyone but Peter. *facepalm*

The case of the week did not really grip me as such, as much as I enjoyed Walter being fragile and vulnerable with the little boy. What I was more fascinated by was his interaction with Olivia and Astrid. There are some discernibly different things about the Amber!verse and our characters in them, and one is the way they interact with each other. Astrid and Olivia seem to be sharing the caretaker role that Peter originally played in S1 -- a callback to the way they took care of Walter when Peter had gone, but with some differences. Olivia -- this Olivia, in the Amber!verse, in spite of having killed her stepfather at the age of nine and in spite of being haunted all her life is still somehow able to care for Walter (who, I assume, is still her abuser in the name of SKIENCE in this verse -- we still don't know the status of the Cortexiphan trials), not just in the way she would have in the past (by Taking Care of Things and Getting Things Done) but also in a way that Peter (and Astrid) would -- getting him to calm down, comforting him. It's perhaps not a coincidence that this Olivia also offered to be there for Lincoln Lee; this Olivia is more comfortable talking about feelings. More comfortable letting out her warmth, reaching out.

This Astrid, meanwhile, seems to have taken on another role that Peter played -- that of snarking at Walter; a lot of her responses (her translation of Walterspeak in this episode: 'he has no idea') feel different from her past responses. It's as though they've split up Peter's characteristics and added them to Olivia and Astrid, and the result is quite fascinating.

I like the Amber!verse. I'd like to keep it, please. |
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