fyeahlittlebitoeverything suggested I take a look at Power Girl V2, because he thought I would enjoy it. And he was right, I did - it's brilliant. I feel so blessed to have friends who know exactly the kind of crack I heart: featuring a six foot tall Kryptonian known - apart from owning the Best Bosom in the DCU and a backstory only slightly less complicated than Donna Troy's - for her temper, sarcasm and love for punching things (she kicked a ten-ton robot in the crotch). Before this, I mostly knew of Peej as the 'other Supergirl' from Infinite Crisis and Oracle's ex-girlfriend, so it was great to see her in her own book, hitting things (she really really loves hitting things ♥), trying to run - and failing, mostly - an ~eco-friendly company, hanging out with her BFF Terra and having bonus chemistry with Dick Grayson. I think my favourite is the part where she ~spiritually bonds with Terra by soaking in 'emofluid' that allows them to ~see things from the other person’s view and ~feel the other person’s feelings. Okay, and also the part where she sort of reproduces (but not in the way you think!) with Vartox, a scantily-clad playboy alien from the Sombrero galaxy.
The book changed creative teams halfway through V2, and I can understand why a lot of people are unhappy with Winick's work here - it's not bad, but it's very different in tone, moving away from the light-hearted CRACK of Gray and Palmiotti to something that heavily ties in with Winick's pet project (Justice League: Generation Lost, which a lot of people aren't following. and why should they, it's seriously time for Max Lord to go away. perhaps Diana could kill him again, but she doesn't need the added melodrama). I do however think Winick gets one thing right - Peej's voice. She's just as hot-headed and lovable as ever, with some bonus flirting with Dick Grayson, and if there's one thing I'll never complain about is hot people having inappropriate chemistry with Dick Grayson. (If PG and Dick ever hook up in canon, Babs is going to be so pissed.)
Okay, so this was basically set-up for the finale so I don't have much to say, except:
+ LOL, oh Peter. The looooong, drawn-out melodramatic farewells and the anti-climatic moment when he touches the ~machine, oh.
Also, dude, tell your girlfriend you're trying to do something ~dramatic like that. I realise you were being brave, but she can take it, really.
+ ALTLIVIA, I KNEW YOU HAD IT IN YOU, YOU'RE AN OLIVIA AFTER ALL. Can they team up now? Pretty please?
+ Oh, Olivia. Trying to save the world and using her knowledge of the other side to achieve something, oh.
+ Someone needs to punch Walternate IN THE FACE. Like, now. I'm counting on you, Altlivia!
Grading is hard. I realise that being objective and if necessary, harsh, is a part of the job description, but I keep feeling like I should grade everyone well because they'll feel sad if I don't (no, I'm not actually doing that, I'm being very srs bzns about everything).
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