spoken! Spain, he prophesies, will be the winner in today's epic semi. Is this the end of the road for Klose and his pretty boys? Or will they prove him wrong, and this is the last we'll see of Iker's faaaace in this world cup? Will the OCTOPUS ORACLE prevail? ONLY TIME WILL TELL.
+ I have been listening to the Fringe OST on repeat, it's excellent.
+ While we're on that topic, after some intense pestering on FB and via text messages, I have successfully managed to make my sister watch the Fringe pilot. She says she likes it, and will watch more. My first text after she told me that she was watching it? 'If you tell me you don't like Olivia, I'll refuse to recognise you as my sister.' Priorities, I has them.
+ If you have a Tumblr, be so kind as to leave me a link, pls. I would like to follow.
+ Dear internets, while referring to M. Night Shyamalan, could you please spell his name properly? It's not funny. Love,
+ I woobify Cara to an extraordinary degree. This should not be news to anyone who has listened to me ramble about my sparkly dead show, but it struck me once again this morning while browsing through some of my unread bookmarks.
+ I wanted to do the 30 days of TV meme, but then I realised that almost all my answers come back to Legend of the Seeker. Okay, maybe not 'a show you hate' (why would I watch a show I hate?), or 'a show that disappointed you' (Hi, BSG). Or 'best kiss' - that's still Michael and Nikita in 'Hard Landing.' But, you know, apart from that. *facepalm*
http://swatkat.dreamwidth.org/262174.html |
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