Benazir Bhutto assassinated. Lately she was being portrayed as Pakistan's new Messiah, which was something I personally did not buy, because she had her faults. But she was smart and brave and articulate, and I did admire her. This does not bode well. *sigh*
Back to your regular fannish things: I watched Pushing Daisies 1.4 today, and how is this show so perfect? SO PERFECT. IN EVERY WAY. I've also come to realise that while I love Ned and Chuck, it's Emerson and Olive and the Aunts that make the show for me. Olive and Aunt Vivian! Make a little birdhouse in your soul! Emerson and Aunt Lily need to meet each other, because they would understand each other perfectly.
I also finished reading Making Money, and it's brilliant. Which is what you'd expect from Pratchett, of course. It has the same Going Postal this-is-going-to-be-a-jolly-good-romp feel. Awesome Vetinari action, awesome Adora Belle (yet another candidate in my people to slash Angua with list), Moist is fun as always. I loved the cameos by the Wizards and the Watch - it had a very cross-overish feel to it (though of course they're all Pterry's characters, so he can do what he wants, and the book is set in Ankh-Morpork after all). All you needed was Susan Sto Helit and the Witches. *g*
Ahaha Mr. Fusspot proposed Angua! Ahaha! Hahaha! HAHAHAHAHHHH!!!!!
OMG Cosmo! His obsession with Vetinari... It was creepy, actually. And there's a Lord Vetinari Ward in the hospital, where people who think they're Lord Vetinari are admitted. Bwahaha!
The kinky toys in the Manager's Suite. I wonder if Adora and Moist will put them to, um, suitable use?
I enjoy Moist's encounters with Vetinari. He's not afraid of him, which is refreshing. That is to say, he *is* afraid of him, because everyone's afraid of Vetinari, but he is not cowed down by Vetinari. Neither does he dislike him in that way Vimes does.
Moist and Adora OTP forever. Seriously. How can you *not* love a couple where the woman says, "There's no need to get hysterical"???