(no subject)

Aug 25, 2004 16:06

FrEaKzOiD5003 (3:20:40 PM): what is ur problem
FrEaKzOiD5003 (3:22:46 PM): if i dont have the balls then say some thing
iamaperfectdream (3:23:08 PM): u dont have enough balls to same wat u think to me
iamaperfectdream (3:23:19 PM): u have to go and be gay and write it in ur journal instead
iamaperfectdream (3:23:28 PM): u falsy accused me
iamaperfectdream (3:23:34 PM): and u called me dumb
iamaperfectdream (3:23:46 PM): twice
FrEaKzOiD5003 (3:24:10 PM): ohh wow big deal
iamaperfectdream (3:24:22 PM): well maybe not to YOU but to me it is
iamaperfectdream (3:24:37 PM): especially when it wa cus i wrote im being watched by the cia in my lj
FrEaKzOiD5003 (3:24:38 PM): y
iamaperfectdream (3:24:53 PM): its a freakin song damnit! i wasnt trying to all political and shit
FrEaKzOiD5003 (3:25:09 PM): why do you care what i say
iamaperfectdream (3:25:23 PM): bcus it fucking bothers me when ppl say shit about me
iamaperfectdream (3:25:30 PM): i dont do it to ppl
iamaperfectdream (3:25:39 PM): so it shouldnt be done to me
FrEaKzOiD5003 (3:26:56 PM): u do it to me
iamaperfectdream (3:27:16 PM): im not a fucking mat robert that ppl can just walk on cus they feel its easy to degrade someone better than them
iamaperfectdream (3:27:18 PM): oh rly when?
FrEaKzOiD5003 (3:28:39 PM): lets see
FrEaKzOiD5003 (3:28:44 PM): last year
iamaperfectdream (3:28:50 PM): uh huh
FrEaKzOiD5003 (3:30:54 PM): yea im rith
FrEaKzOiD5003 (3:30:59 PM): right
iamaperfectdream (3:31:34 PM): lets see it took u 3 minutes to come up with something. when the fuck did i make fun of u?
FrEaKzOiD5003 (3:33:44 PM): last year
iamaperfectdream (3:33:54 PM): ok WHEN robert?
iamaperfectdream (3:35:48 PM): u have nothing
FrEaKzOiD5003 (3:36:25 PM): middle to end of last school year
iamaperfectdream (3:36:44 PM): OMG give me a fucking example. tell me exactly wat i said
FrEaKzOiD5003 (3:37:42 PM): wait a minute ur the one that is scared to say something to my face
FrEaKzOiD5003 (3:37:54 PM): like when u posted all that shit in ur lj
iamaperfectdream (3:37:59 PM): oh rly when?
FrEaKzOiD5003 (3:39:18 PM): in ur old live journal
iamaperfectdream (3:39:40 PM): ok seriously forget u. u can not come up with NETHIN i said
FrEaKzOiD5003 (3:40:40 PM): u said it was funny how ur gay friend came up to me and started saying shit to me and how all ur other friends wanted to kick my ass
iamaperfectdream (3:41:02 PM): yeh i told u my friends hate u
iamaperfectdream (3:41:06 PM): thats OLD news
iamaperfectdream (3:41:10 PM): and iddi sat it to ur face
FrEaKzOiD5003 (3:41:35 PM): no u didnt
iamaperfectdream (3:41:47 PM): psh yes i did soooo many times
iamaperfectdream (3:41:54 PM): u were like do ur friends hate me and i was like yes
iamaperfectdream (3:42:20 PM): and i told u my friends hate u
iamaperfectdream (3:43:12 PM): so uve got NOTHING so give it up
FrEaKzOiD5003 (3:43:12 PM): then when i asked u out for the second time and then u asked all these gay questions and then i said no the u post all that shit in ur lj
iamaperfectdream (3:43:23 PM): yeh
iamaperfectdream (3:43:27 PM): i kno that
iamaperfectdream (3:43:37 PM): but that was u n me talking
iamaperfectdream (3:43:39 PM): not my opinion
iamaperfectdream (3:43:46 PM): about how "dumb" u r
FrEaKzOiD5003 (3:44:11 PM): that was stupid what u just said
iamaperfectdream (3:44:20 PM): thanx
iamaperfectdream (3:44:41 PM): and i think ur chicken shit for not being able to say ANYTHING true to back ur story up
iamaperfectdream (3:44:53 PM): so in my opinion this conversation
iamaperfectdream (3:44:56 PM): is finished
FrEaKzOiD5003 (3:45:13 PM): and i think ur bullshiting about being in a cuban mob
iamaperfectdream (3:45:45 PM): oh that hurts and ya kno wat that was an inside joke with me a my cousin
iamaperfectdream (3:45:53 PM): that YOU would have NOTHING to do with
FrEaKzOiD5003 (3:47:28 PM): ok but when u said it to somebody in our class last year then it became eveybody bussiness
iamaperfectdream (3:47:49 PM): no not rly.
iamaperfectdream (3:47:53 PM): did i say it to u NO
iamaperfectdream (3:47:57 PM): and even if i did
iamaperfectdream (3:48:03 PM): i cant believe u woul;d take that seriously
FrEaKzOiD5003 (3:48:08 PM): oh me and kevin put thi together
iamaperfectdream (3:48:22 PM): put wat together?
FrEaKzOiD5003 (3:49:33 PM): ur too short to be in the cuban mob but too tall to be in the midget mob
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