Procrastination: The Gripping Motion Picture

May 06, 2010 12:29

  • A few months ago, my old BlackBerry brick started malfunctioning. It was replaced by a Curve 8300, which is what I had been using up until this weekend, when it decided to crap out on me as well. It has now been replaced with a Curve 8350, which is basically the same as the 8300 but tricked out with a few features from later models. The really big difference is that the little track ball (which I never really had a problem with) has been replaced by an oh-so-nifty touch pad instead. I can say without reservation that my Tetris game has significantly improved as a result.
  • The lowfat Greek yogurt is awesome. I like mixing it with my own fruit, so that there is more of a "marbled" flavor instead of that overly sweet thing that most pre-mixed yogurts have going on.
  • For those who follow such things, Andúril, Flame of the West has unfortunately needed to be retired as there is a piece that went missing (it shall be brought back into usage should that piece be recovered, but that is unlikely). It has been replaced by the almost identical Krypton.

food, 420, work, far side, games, cartoons

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