Film Score Monthly has at last announced their long-awaited release of the original film tracks from
Time After Time! The previous LP and CD release of was an excellent re-recording with the Royal Philharmonic, but the original film recording had a larger orchestra and will have much better sound. Miklós Rózsa has long been one of my favorites,
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Comments 3
2. Was the last person you kissed physically attractive?
So much so that I married her.
3. Did you have a good birthday this year?
I'm hoping it will be a successful non-event.
4. When do you blow out the candles?
After coitus.
5. Where is your most ticklish spot?
The bottom of my feet.
6. Who was the last person to high five you?
Jesus...some kid in grade school maybe? I despise the "High Five" and never return it.
7. Do people ever think you're older / younger than you actually are?
Always younger. I'll be 40 this year. That's kinda funny to think about.
8. Last thing you ate?
Chili at the IT annual chili cook-off.
9. What is the last non-alcoholic beverage you had?
10. Are you disappointed in anyone?
Only myself from time to time, and even that's not very often.
11. How late did you stay up last night?
12. Where did you get the shirt your wearing?
Dillard's. $110 shirt on sale for $12.75.
13. Sunrise or Sunset?
Either, depending on the circumstances.
14. How ( ... )
Kissing them is not as sweet, but they can be real tigers!
26. Could you see yourself with someone forever?
Forever's a mighty long time and I mean to tell you, there's something else - the afterworld. A world of never ending happiness where you can always see the sun, day or night. So when u call up that shrink in Beverly Hills, you know the one - "Dr. Everything'll Be Alright." Instead of asking him how much of your time is left, ask him how much of your mind, baby 'Cuz in this life, things are much harder than in the afterworld. In this life, you're on your own. And if the elevator tries to bring you down...Go crazy!
27. What was the first thing you thought when you woke up?
"She brought me coffee! I love that woman."
28. Do you forgive or forget?
I forgive. I remember to learn.
29. What are you thinking about right now?
That this is the most comprehensive meme I've ever filled out and will probably have to post it in two parts.
30. Do you like Techno music?On rare occasion I enjoy ( ... )
Its usually the other way around, but even that gets me in lots of trouble.
51. When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?
1992 at the dorm RAF England. Some drunk asshole was beating the shit out of the door next to me, trying to wake someone inside to let him in. I was furious that this dumbass couldn't get the hint. He thought he simply needed to be LOUDER so he screamed and yelled and kicked and beat the door, over and over. After about five minutes I was fit to be tied and opened my door to suggest that perhaps he was misunderstanding the message which was being conveyed and that while likely awake at this point, he simply did not wish to open the door, ergo he could stop beating on it. The drunk Airman turned to me like a rapid pig and started cursing and threatening me. I closed my door in his face, but my blood was pumping over the incident, and I fantasized about punching his drunk ass in the face.
52. Do you have a friend you can tell ( ... )
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