"Me in a metal tube, deep underground with hundreds of people in the most aggressive city in the world?"The train ahead of mine broke down at the Roosevelt Avenue station. They managed to get the train I was on into the station just enough to open the doors and evacuate it before taking it out of service. While I have been riding the subway all
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Having only ever taken the underground in London when I lived there, my wife and I were living in New Jersey and decided on some fresh submarine sandwiches for lunch. As we were leaving the store we were in we asked, "Do you know if there's a Subway around here?"
"Where ya headed?" He asked.
We just blinked at each other.
"Teriffic. I'm about to get killed a million miles from nowhere with a gung-ho iguana who tells me to relax."
I haven't seen that movie in ages, but do so love Robert Preston. I read the novelization some years later which, though about as comprehensive as a book from a movie can be, was still entertaining. Of course I was very young. Your entry stirs in me a desire to watch it.
"You better think of something fast, because, if he turns me into a mummy you're the first one I'm coming after."
I didn't enjoy the first one, which I saw in the theater with my father, and never saw the second one - though my wife has them both on DVD and enjoys them - but I LOVE the music to them both. Your suggestion of a trilogy mix makes my naughty bits tingle.
Talk about a plate of shrimp moment... I just ate Subway yesterday for the first time in months.
Jersey doesn't really have much in the way of a subway... they have PATH, I think... but here in New York it is pervasive. It's one of the reasons why I'm not terribly concerned about my ailing car; it doesn't effect me getting to work one way or the other.
Terrific. I'm about to get killed a million miles from nowhere with a gung-ho iguana who tells me to relax.
I bought a whole bunch of Alan Dean Foster novelizations a couple of years ago online for very cheap, this was one of them, though I never got around to reading it. I should pick it up, but while the story is decent, it is the performers and the music that I think keeps this movie fresh.
You better think of something fast, because, if he turns me into a mummy you're the first one I'm coming after.
You got those expansions I made, didn't you?
Your suggestion of a trilogy mix makes my naughty bits tingle.
Okay, now we've both been talking with melancthe too much...
Alan Dean Foster novelizations
Just novelizations? His Icerigger was one of my childhood favourites, even though it's not a novelization.
I did, but I can't remember if I REPLACED what I had with them or not; will certainly have to check.
I have to admit that I wouldn't mind a suite of selections from the Starfighter video game itself, which were all based on Safan's thematic material.
This reminded me that just yesterday I think, I finally heard the 'Rekall' commercial you wrote in your review of the Deluxe Edition. I was at work, listening to my iPod when suddenly it broke into the jingle! Too much fun.
♪ ... for the memory of a lifetime, Rekall, Rekall, Rekall ... ♫
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