A Return to Normalcy

Dec 19, 2004 09:36

My response to nutsac-- er, sirac's comment became so longwinded, I decided to make it its very own post!

Everything's back to normal now. My biggest surprise is the phat quickness with which XP starts up. I'm still not sure if the scroll thing was some kind of lag or a "feature" XP included to infuriate me... It's not there any longer, but to my knowledge I did nothing to curb it. It involved my scrolling to happen in chunks where the text moved up (or down if I was scrolling up) and the new stuff rippled into place... even after the page had been loaded for a while... it took forfuckingever. Anyway, like all problems, I ignored it and it went away.

What's this?! Exposition? Is the swarthy one actually adding to the reply to make this a legit post?

I still need to remember how to turn off windows messenger to stop the ascii spam!! (I've only gotten one so far, but it had gotten to be a problem in the past... except for the ASCII porn ad, that was hilarious, they drew an ASCII woman with "@'s" for boobies!)

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