Oct 10, 2013 22:02
I have very strong opinions about returning bottles for a refund and explaining what the hell a Jewish atheist is. I just don't have time to write about these things. But, know there are strong opinions about these topics, and I have them! I don't have strong opinions about bronies. So, these guys like a show. Big whoop! That doesn't really say anything about them other than that they like My Little Pony. I watched My Little Pony recently, and I personally don't really care for it. Jerome and Erin love it, but I just feel like the episode plots are kind of weak. But, I understand that there are people out there who have different tastes than me, and some of those people are men who like crappy children's shows. That doesn't make them pedophiles or weirdos or ugly. It just means they have bad taste and aren't Mensa material.