( CONTACT )Player: Khalil
demitourAIM: DomesticDemitour
Email: domesticdemitour @ gmail.com
Timezone: MST
( HMD )This post serves as an HMD! Just leave a comment if you have any questions, concerns, or critique about how I'm playing Veetor. Anonymous commenting is enabled, and IP tracking is off.
Player Information ;
Your Nickname: Khalil
OOC Journal:
demitourUnder 18? I am, if you want me to be. Naw bro, 20.
Email/IM: domesticdemitour @ gmail.com / DomesticDemitour
Characters Played at Singularity: N/A
Character Information ;
Name: Veetor'Nara nar Rayya (that's "Name'Surname child of Ship Name")
Name of Canon: Mass Effect 2
Canon/AU/Other Game CR: Canon
Wiki profile. In-game scenes:
Additional notes.
These two videos aren't part of his canon point, but are still useful insight to Veetor's personality in certain situations.
Canon Point: Post-Treason, "rally the crowd" resolution.
Setting: 2185 CE. FANTASTICAL SPACE OPERA OF EPIC PROPORTIONS. Humans eventually get themselves super advanced technology and venture out past their itty bitty solar system. They've been part of galactic society for a good while now.
So yeah, epic galaxy. Lots of diversity. You've got your bird-reptile-ish turians, amphibious salarians, squishy blue-skinned asari - cool alien species like that. The coolest of the bunch are the quarians, and Veetor's one of them. For quarians, the community comes before the individual. Ancestors are highly respected and worshiped. Belongings are usually judged for their usefulness rather than personal or sentimental value, and "reduce, reuse, recycle" is a very important thing to keep in mind at all times. When it comes to their current way of life, quarians are kind of like... space Bedouins. They don't have a homeworld (anymore) - instead they float through the galaxy in a huge fleet of starships that travel together, nomadic, never staying in one place for very long. For the past few centuries quarians have never been seen without their enviro-suits, stuck behind helmets due to the shittiest immune system ever. Don't ever sneeze on a quarian. It will kill them.
To keep things short, here's how shit went down. 300ish years ago, the quarians created the geth, a race of highly advanced robot slaves. Eventually, sentience achievement unlocked! Shit! TIME TO BACKPEDAL AND DISMANTLE THOSE FUCKERS.
MORNING WAR. The quarians lose and are forced to evacuate their homeworld and have been drifting amidst the stars ever since. One day, one day, they will take their world back. One day soon. Goddamn synthetics.
In the grand scheme of things in the Mass Effect universe, Veetor's pretty much a nobody. Just one of many young quarians scattered amongst the stars that still need to complete their rite of passage. Whichever ship captain Veetor needs to impress after he gives the whole
Pilgrimage thing a second go, I don't think he's made a very good impression so far...
Hopefully things will get better. Or the Reapers could just save Veetor the grief and shame by wiping out everything in existence. Problem solved?
Personality: Veetor's a pretty cool guy. He hacks mechs and isn't afraid of any-
Okay, scratch that. He's afraid of a lot of things. In fight-or-flight situations, he chooses flight. Veetor hid when the Collectors barged in and started hauling away human colonists instead of trying to fight the bipedal bastards off and save the people that could have been his coworkers, even friends. Pressing situations cause high stress and withdrawal that can consume his whole being if someone isn't around to snap him out of it.
Yeah, back to hacking mechs. Veetor's an intelligent and resourceful quarian. His AI hacking skills helped him setup a great defense (but not so great for those on Prazza's team) when he thought the Collectors would come back for him. A bit of a meticulous type, too, he has a thing for organization. Veetor pieced together security footage from several cameras by himself in order to make a cohesive video of the Collector attack, which was pretty useful for Shepard and company.
Veetor's extremely awkward in social situations. According to Tali, crowds have always made him nervous, affecting his speech patterns and mannerisms. He stutters, cuts some sentences short, repeats and rambles on with others. The mere thought of having to do public speaking is enough to make him shit bricks. Veetor does manage to get over this fear when he speaks up at Tali's trial, for her sake.
Just because he acts strangely around large groups of people doesn't mean he dislikes them. If anything, Veetor wants to help others (when he can). He did choose to spend his Pilgrimage helping the colonists of Freedom's Progress. While remote, it wasn't a place completely devoid of life.
He might not be as badass as Tali or Shepard, but Veetor's still a pretty good guy. You get a feel for his modesty and humble tendencies if you speak to him after Tali's trial. He downplays his part in defending her, giving credit to Kal'Reegar for saying much more than him. Veetor is also relatively pleasant when his nerves don't get the better of him. He's polite no matter who he's talking to, despite not being the best at public speaking. He was even willing to face exile alongside Tali if that was to be her fate. Beneath the enviro-suit layers and that bundle of nerves, he has a good heart and honest intentions.
You don't need to tell Veetor he's a babbling idiot; he knows. He's self-aware, knows he's different from his peers. When talking to Shepard he openly acknowledges he isn't sane after the incidents on Freedom's Progress. Creepy-looking Collectors, enough seeker swarms to block out the sun, a witness to colonists getting kidnapped while he didn't do a thing... Lots of shit went down there, man. There's the whole "indirectly injuring and killing some of your own people" thing, too. Yeah, you can bet that's on Veetor's conscience.
But hey, despite all the trauma, he's making progress! After getting patched up on the flotilla and some help from Elan'Shiya, Veetor is on his way to stable mental health. Back on the Rayya his speech pattern isn't as disjointed as it was when Shepard first met him. His memories of Collector attack still vivid, but good old Dr. Shiya can pull him out of the really bad ones. Definite improvement, much better compared to what Veetor acts like if you hand him over to Cerberus. :( But since Veetor's canon point is from a happier place, he's thankful for all the help and kindness he's received from fellow quarians like Tali, Shiya, and Reegar, as well as "outsiders" like Commander Shepard. The galaxy isn't as terrifying with people like them backing you up.
Abilities and Weaknesses: Guessing that Veetor is a Quarian Machinist like (but not as talented as) Tali, he would have...
Basic training in the use of heavy pistols and shotguns. As basic as you can get. Can't venture out in the galaxy without some self-defense knowledge, right?
A spherical
combat drone, most commonly used to distract/stun enemies or damage their shields. I will think up a cool name for it eventually.
Decent AI hacking skills that make him able to reprogram things like
giant mechs He's also physically durable (quarians aren't as "soft" as other races, like humans, salarians, or asari), but he has a very weak immune system. He'll die if you so much as sneeze on him and he's not wearing his helmet.
...That may or may not be an exaggeration.
- 1
M-3 Predator heavy pistol
- 1
M-23 Katana shotgun
- 1 handy dandy
omni-tool- 4 spare thermal clips gdit Bioware this system is flawed
Appearance: You can poke Veetor's reference videos and icons to get a good look at him. Basically, three-fingered, three two-toed dude who never takes off his space suit. Never ever. Don't try picturing what a quarian looks like under the helmet unless you want to give yourself a headache while Bioware keeps us guessing. The front of his helmet is this sort of purple-tinted visor. Veetor can see you through it, but you can't see him, not really. The most you can get is a cloudy pair of eyes if the light catches him at the right angle.
Veetor doesn't stand completely still when you talk to him. Sometimes he'll wring his hands or twiddle his thumbs, usually while nervous. He bounces on his feet a little when he's in a good mood. Tends to use more hand gestures/body language to make up for the lack of visible facial cues (though since he leans on the shy side, they're kind of subdued).
Age: Unknown. In human years, probably in his early twenties, as that's how old Tali was when she went on her Pilgrimage. Let's go with 21 for now?
OC/AU Justification ;
If AU, How is Your Version Different From Canon, and How Will That Come Across?
If OC, Did You Run Your Character Through a Mary-Sue Litmus Test?
And What Did You Score?
Samples ;
Log Sample: And now for
something different! Asked and notified Coffee about using these in place of a log sample.
Network Sample: [ AUDIO; ]
[Some mumbling to himself as he makes a few audio adjustments, then...] Broad- [clears his throat] broadcasting. All channels. Okay.
[He's speaking louder now, but still sounds pretty uneasy.]
This is Veetor'Nara nar Rayya. Requesting contact with the Rayya. Or any ship from the Migrant Fleet.
[That sense of unease only seems to get worse as the transmission continues. A brief silence follows as Veetor takes in his surroundings once, twice. A third time out of paranoia.]
I - I don't know what happened. Unknown planet. Sustained damage on impact. Not sure if suit compartments sealed off properly. Need medical assistance.
Help, please. Someone. Anyone.
( RELATIONSHIPS )Veetor's CR chart can be found
- male Commander Vanderdouche Shepard
- encountered (mostly? relatively?) paragon!Shepard (as far as he knows)
- paragon interrupt
- left Freedom's Progress with Tali
- someone other than Legion was accompanying Shepard and Tali during her loyalty mission...
- loyalty mission resolved by rallying the crowd
- Ate the tiniest bit of human food once at Freedom's Progress and got hives or some shit. Peer pressure. Never again.
- Likely has a fear/aversion of flying insects now. ):
- Some affection for Elan'Shiya? But you know, certain boundaries he's gotta respect. Must keep everything strictly doctor-patient. And she's older than him. And just doing her job.
- Quarian gesture of affection: pressing your fingers against your mouthpiece, then touching them against your significant other's. Replaces kissing. Innocent/socially acceptable, though most quarians avoid doing it in public places.
- His combat drone is red and white, and its name is
Paccino vas Tola. Paccino was the name of a childhood friend who never came back from his Pilgrimage. The Tola was his father's birth ship. One movie geek on Freedom's Progress used to throw Pacino quotes at him whenever Veetor was messing around with the drone, but he never took the time to ask why.
- Offensive gesture: hitting the back of a quarian's neck, due to the important wires and various connections there; implies wanting to do severe harm to the individual. Predominantly male gesture developed on the flotilla, nonexistent beforehand. Only socially acceptable when kept very light and between close male friends. Sarcastic/demeaning when done to someone less familiar.
- Another offensive gesture!: Imitating geth sounds (i.e. to a quarian's back while they're walking away, or while they're speaking). First scenario is like implying you're as bad as a geth. Second scenario conveys a quarian would rather be speaking/listening to a geth than you. Have to have balls of steel if you're willing to do something like this. Height of its usage in this context was during the Morning War and its recent aftermath, but still present in current culture.
- Slang: ...Note to self, eventually come up with a term for a quarian that likes turians (and vice versa), in both Khelish and its English equivalent. Like the
Friend Zone Turian.
Flower-plant-thing that grows on Rannoch. Used to have symbolic meaning in quarian society before the Morning War. CREATOR-VEETOR'NARA, LET ME SHOW YOU THE DANCE OF MY PEOPLE.