"I drive all night, just to get back home..."

Feb 28, 2007 22:00

I won't stop until I use every line of Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi as a title to my post.  Is that sad?  Probably a little.  Not that I care.

I think I'm coming down with a cold.  My ears ache, my throat is itchy and I'm sneezing every couple minutes.  This is what I get for joking around with the doctor and saying things like, "I'm some sick" while brushing my hair back dramatically.


It's been slow at work.  Sloooowww.  Look, I'm not wishing illness on anyone or anything but, OMIGAWD PEOPLE WTF?!  Doesn't anyone get the sniffles anymore?  Diarrhea?  Hell, I'll even take the verbal kind.  Around 3 o'clock today I was so bored, and hyped up on coffee, that I just... started to laugh.  It was almost embarrassing.  I couldn't speak and when anyone asked what I was laughing at I couldn't explain.  I was laughing at nothing.  This is what happens when you leave me in a quiet Emergency Room.

I got a new laptop on Monday.  Here's hoping the thing doesn't crap out.

Yesterday's earworm was Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds by The Beatles.  Today I've moved on to Roxanne by The Police. 

earworm, laptop, sick, work

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