Nov 09, 2003 23:40
OMG! He's comming home! he's coming home!!! I really shouldn't be happy that he didn't succeed in his Navy experience, but HE'S COMIN HOME!! THANK THE MAKERS, HE'S COMIN HOME!! mwwwwwwahahahahahhah!!! Okay, sorry, that's out of my system now... (jumps excitedly around the room) okay, yeah, on the other side of things, the internet is officialy back on in the dorms now, and from the sounds of things and the newly installed hardware in the network server rooms shall be denying access to the network for viruses... (IE: the school is making sure that we don't get knocked off the internet again) He's coming home.. he's coming home... he's coming home.. WOOHOOOOOOOOO... but it's really nice to be able to check my email in the room again, however I'm finding it terribly distractive to my study habbits... He's coming home.. he's coming home.. he's coming home!! We had a wild ass party last night, and me and two of my bestest buddies got drunk off our asses.. it was fun as hell! First time Eli's ever been drunk, but he handled himself VERY well. I was extremely impressed with his controlled behavior... OH! and incase I forgot to tell ya, HE'S COMING HOME!!! PRAISE GEEZ-US!!!