oh em gee

Aug 08, 2005 11:28

i know many of you have already heard/read about the stuff i'm going to tell you from diane's or esteban's or hannah's livejournals... btw does leanne have an lj? anyways the point is thursday after rehearsal it was like 11:45ish? hannah diane esteban and leanne were all going to hang out at my house for awhile so we decided to go to 7-11 to buy sodas. esteban was driving on ellsworth (the street that 7-11 is on) and we saw these two people in the middle of the road.. i thought they were to guys just playing around and hannah and diane thought they were drunk. but then we got closer and it was this huge man standing over a woman BEATING her and she was trying to fight him with her shoe but he was pretty big. we were SO scared and when he saw us he tried to force her back into the house but she really didnt want to go. so then we hella didn't know what to do and then diane called 9-1-1 on her phone. and we just sped back to my house and locked the door.

two days later...

if anyone came to the saturday show of anything goes, do you remember that HELLA LOUD helicopter that was SO ANNOYING and like.. drowning out the singing? well michelle's dad is a cop or something.. i dont really know but he found out that the helicopter was a SEARCH helicopter for the police and they were looking for the man on ellsworth! turns out that he took the woman hostage and the helicopter was trying to find him! and they DID! hooray that STUPID ASSHOLE deserves.. i dunno something bad. i was SO happy/shocked. hannah esteban diane leanne! yayy we saved someone's life!

and that's my story

yes i will tell it at parties.

BTW come to Anything Goes! three shows down, three to go

Thursday, Friday, Saturday
8:15 at the Ohlone Amphitheatre
call/im me about tickets

its been pretty damn good so far =P
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