Permissions Meme for realityshifted

Dec 31, 2030 23:46

Threadhopping with this character - yes/no/maybe so?: Probably okay, as long ass it's not a extremely serious moment

Backtagging with this character - yes/no/maybe so?: Sure! I'm fine with backtagging, I'll probably do it myself.

Hugging this character?: Feel free, do be aware that she'll probably freeze and may scratch your characters eyes out though... Unless she likes them of course.

Giving this character a kiss?: Only if you really want your characters eyes scratched out... then again she might just turn red or accept it (or even respond) if she really likes the kisser.

Punching this character: Fine, she probably deserves it a good 90% of the time... Though she will probably stand right back up and punch your character back.

Is there anything ought not be mentioned near this character?: Yes, kidnapping is a touchy subject, as is swans and ducks... She's a bit odd about things like that.

Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character? Special physical features, fighting abilities, STUFF: Um... Yes, she's nasty, borderline sane, likely to react badly to any suprising behaviour, has several tendencies towards torture and murder, can do a fairly good job in fights and occaisionlly has visions of the future which are usually rather jumbeled.

She probably won't try to murder anybody unless provoked though.

Anything else, please mention here: She's more used to demons then humans... And she probably won't bond well wit humans... She's a aliens and demons sort of girl.

★ IC Permissions

☆ PHYSICAL AFFECTION: Rather stand offish, and if you somehow manage to catch her she won't feel like a normal human: her skin will be either too cold or too hot. You can try it! But she probably won't welcome it.
☆ PHYSICAL VIOLENCE: She's likely to cheat and use some magic. But go ahead! And I will always ask before I severely injure.
☆ RELATIONSHIPS: Unlikely. She considers herself a bit beyond those these days.
☆ PSYCHIC & PSIONIC INFORMATION: Can communicate mentally with people. IS technically a demon queen and wears a piece of lodestone all the time: Which means that her head is BUZZING with magic. Also can see the future: though she's repressed this a great deal.
☆ MAGICAL INFORMATION: Demon queen. A magical as they come. Can do pretty much anything up to bending time.
☆ MEDICAL INFORMATION: Looks like a fairly healthy human most of the time. Has either a higher or lower body temperature though (depending on mood) and strange eyes when she's Properly cross. Is also a lot paler than most normal humans. A demon queen so technically not human, could sometimes be said to be morea  being of magic than of flesh.
☆ OFFENSIVE SUBJECTS & TRIGGERS: Beranabus, mention Beranabus only if you want a fist (or piano) in the face.

★ First Impressions

☆ VISUAL: 5'8, blonde hair (almost white) and very pale skin. Dark blue eyes except for when she gets mad, when they tend to turn a reddish shade. Usually fond of wearing skirts. Has a piece of stone slung around her neck, she is very protective of this stone; it is her baby. 
☆ AURAL: A faintly purring voice with no real accent, can sometimes develop a faint hissing quality. Usually speaks in English but, these days, can switch to demon when she's absent minded.
☆ OLFACTORY: A neutral scent, one that's mainly noticeable due to it buzzing in the nostrils. Also tends to smell quite heavily of blood: demon queen, darling!
☆ DEMEANOUR: Very-standoffish. Quite reserved. Tends to walk with a very straight back and quite a queenly sort of gait, very regal. Seems to buzz with magic on occaision. Not really strongly emotional these days.

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