(no subject)

Sep 27, 2008 21:43

(OOC: Heavens knows where this came from)

9. “You only have three choices: run, hide or die...”
| Lost

Her hands hit the ground hard and a sob forces itself out of her lungs… Quickly silenced as she forces herself up and continues running.

She can’t stop here, can’t afford to just curl over and die when the sounds are getting closer and closer and her death is just around the corner… Advancing slowly on her and drawing out her pure terror to even greater extremes.

She’s never been scared like this before, Beranabus and Lord Loss are one thing but… This is her sister, the little girl she loved and cherished and held a picture in he mind of all these years.

Only now her sister is a werewolf, a werewolf chasing her.

A werewolf on the path to killing her.

Oh how things have changed.

sister!verse, featuring: beth, muses_w_remotes

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