Just_Muse_Me- 24.1.5

Sep 15, 2009 16:50

(OOC Savagestime used with a lot of love :3)

24. 1. 5- Overindulge

Juni’s lips are red, blood red in right light- he touches them occasionally just to make her laugh and bare her teeth; almost threat but not quite- she has far more sense than to try and threaten him openly.

They hardly have a romance, Juni refuses to believe that she deserves it and he doesn’t want to trouble himself with pointless rituals when there are planets to enslave and explosions to create, but they certainly have… An arrangement; a rather fun arrangement at that.

There’s no better way to get rid of excess energy after all, especially after running and killing all day, and they’re both excellent at it so there’s really no point in avoiding a little fun- a little fun involving teeth and lips and hands… And, for once, it’s something that Juni doesn’t want to avoid; she likes her pleasures as much as he does- especially pleasures without any strings.

After all, this isn’t romance- this is fun.

rp ness, featuring: the master, just_muse_me, reality shifted verse

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