[OOC: Written for
A_Pretty_Fire and morphed into prompt form... Also, this is a AU but shall be tagged under Realityshifted verse for ease)
6. "We welcome passion, for the mind is briefly let off duty."
Mignon McLaughlin
Blood is crimson; deep red and ever so tasty down her throat… She’s been savage for years so it doesn’t really bother her how they get it- the hunt is almost as pleasurable as the end product really; she loves it when they scream- loves it how they choke off after she tucks into her feast.
Her mummy is always there too of course; urging her on- singing her songs and finding little rabbits for them to chase and eat; she no longer sees humans as dominant in any way- demons are faster and vampires are smarter. Humans are nothing; humans are prey.
She didn’t used to think like that, she used to think of them as inferior but she always used to respect them… And then the Plane of stars came along and soon afterwards mummy followed it; everything changed from that day on- she’s never looked back since and, for once, has never really wanted to.
She can hunt now, she does hunt now- every night they’re out and stalking the dumb ones who’ve left their homes too late, the evil ones who deserve it and the sweet little innocents who skipped too far away… For once she agrees with Loss; the innocents do taste better- perhaps it’s coded into their lovely crimson blood.
They never hunt on the Plane, the stars have told them not to, but they hunt everywhere else- hunt everyone else- and for once she is happy, she has her mummy, she has her hunts…
And she has her lovely crimson blood.