(no subject)

Oct 12, 2008 11:54


“What’s this?” Juni asked curiously as Dervish placed a simmering cup by her elbow “Dervish…”

“You said you liked Hot Chocolate” Dervish shrugged, sliding into a chair across from her “And it’s a cold night so I thought…”

Juni laughed and reached across to squeeze his hand, picking up the cup and sipping with her other hand “Mm.”

“You like it?”

Juni just smiled and squeezed his hand tighter… And tried to feel a lot less guilty, she was under orders after all and no matter how nice Dervish was it’d be suicide to betray Lord Loss.

“By the way” Dervish broke into her thoughts “a friend of mine is coming tomorrow, her names Meera Flame… I’ve known her since I was in my twenties but there’s nothing there, I promise you…”

Juni nodded again and again… Not really paying attention.

This Meera couldn’t change her life, right?

friends!verse, featuring: dervish, just_muse_me

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