Title: Fools Rush In
Author: Swanseajill
Characters: Dean, Sam
Pairing: None
Words: 2,632
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Don’t own them, making no money from them.
Summary: The boys hunt a legendary monster in the swamps of Louisiana. Will Dean’s desire to get the job finished quickly land him in more trouble than he’d bargained for?
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Well done!
Favorite lines:
You rocked the table.”
“And you spilled a whole mug of coffee over Dad’s journal.”
Sam glared some more. “Yeah. Because you rocked the table.”
LOL! I love their bickering here.
"You’re so right. Who needs food when they can have Nancy? That girl’s totally edible."
Dean’s such a horndog. *g*
“Man!” Dean said. “Was that a Wookie?”
Yup. A Wookie. That was it.
LOL! I love him being all snarky. I can totally picture his face here.
Big? Check. Slimy? Check. Ugly? Double check. Stupid? Too soon to tell.
“Stain your skin green?” Dean thundered. A large glob of slime dripped off his face and plopped wetly onto the ground below, leaving a decidedly green streak behind.
I love this image!
“Maybe you can get Nancy to do the scrubbing,” Sam suggested helpfully.
*snickers* Sam’s enjoying himself immensely, and I don’t blame him. Dean really did ask for it.
He wondered which of their few friends he could send the photo to first.
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