(no subject)

Dec 03, 2004 19:52

i think
i have a job.
basically, i went for a job interview maybe two or three weeks ago now, for a technician position at the college (bcuc, where i just graduated from) in the technologies department. anyway, there were three of us at the interview, and the other two had just graduated from the technology department, one of them had been a student technician. ha. so, i wasn't too surprised that i didn't get the job, but they said they might want to call on me in the near future to help them develop some of their music production/technology stuff (an area they're hoping to expand) - for maybe one day a week or something silly. anyway, i got a call a week or so ago, and they said they wanted me for a vague parttime position in their multimedia area.. so i of course said yes, and this week have gone in for a few days.. and apparently they're hoping to have me full time now. one of their technicians is leaving at christmas, so that seems to have opened up a position, but they're still not promising exactly that they can have me on full time properly.. but i mean, i think its just a matter or shuffling round all the technicians and stuff.. cause i'm working a full week next week! they're giving me my own desk, and two computers! one on the network, one not.. i spent today redoing the whole thing.. installing what i need.. changing the background.. stuff like that. ha. and its quite a laid back atmosphere.. but the people are self-proffessed as 'not too creative' - i guess that's where i come in.. it sorta sounds like they want me to maybe help students in the future encouraging them on the artsy side.. it has sounded very vague from the beginning.. but it seems to be headed in the right direction...
and hey! i'll have some money soon.. can start paying matthew back and get some glasses!
ah.. am working on getting a 'national insurance number' which i need in order to get paid (because i'm a foreigner..)

of course, just as i'm getting this one, i've applied for this Prints and Drawings Assistant position at Tate Britain (big art museum in london).. which i would absolutely love. but.. i mean, this job is pretty ok, i don't have to get a bus or anything.. and i'm pretty comfortable i think. travelling to london has never sounded attractive.. an hour or so of commuting.. and goodness knows how much it would cost every day!

so, if you're still reading this, you may be thinking, so, what does a multimedia technician DO exactly? it has alot to do with keeping everything up and running.. i mean there are loads of computers, all networked in different rooms with different purposes.. software and hardware.. it can all be so fickle.. but i'll be doing alot of making sure all elements are working before the teacher attempts to teach a class - like if they're introducing some sort of new camera.. i make sure it works on all the student computers.. stuff like that.. but i'm also learning all those programs i've been meaning to.. to help with that.. Dreamweaver, Flash, Director, 3DSMax, etc..

so, now i have a desk, i want to get a pencil holder and a fluffy pen or something.

anyway.. i'm not a hundred percent enthralled or anything, but i think once i feel its a bit more secure, rather than 'casual employment', i'll be a bit more solid about it.. and these last months have really gotten me down.. so it'll take a bit of time to build myself back up i think.

anyway, so matthew and i work for the same place! ha.
both as technicians as well..
but the faculty of design and the faculty of technologies don't cross at all.. no one on the main site even knows where fine art is located..
and matthew's getting paid more!
but has fewer hours..

anyway anyway,
its december! we'll be putting up the christmas tree tomorrow.. too bad its plastic..
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