the ineffeciency's of Deakin

Jul 12, 2008 16:34

Why am I not supried that Deakin has once again made a mistake whener I am concerned.

I'm sure that you have all hear of the stupid hoops I've had to jump throguht with Deakin. I thought that there would be no more. well apearently they are unaware that they have all my money and that I'm enroled. which they really can't say since they have already taken my money and the page with my money info on it was the same as the page that had my agreement of the letter of offer. so it looks like monday I may have to take a little trip to campus and make them take theirh heads out of where ever they are currently keeping them and actuly make them do something other then play pass the buck. The thing that I really hate is that they said all you have to do is send in the forms pay them and the rest takes care of itself when you arrive. well apearently it doesn't and apearently the administrators know nothing. infact none of the branches I've dealt with that are in Australai are of any use what-so-ever. the one peoson who actualy seems competent at his job is actualy in the US. funny that. and some of the information was even directly given from a person so it can't have been just lost in e-mail information because I spoke to a human. grrr I am so anoyed with the stupid bureacocy that gets nothing done I'm close to being done with Deakin completly. if only it were the only program in the world that I can get the degree with out having to write a full thesis I would be alost ready to say ok I'm just going to have fun while I'm in australia and then do school latter after my fun. grrrr.

*going to go chop some vegetables grrrrr*
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