Feb 13, 2008 17:05
I love my car I really do but does she have to be so expensive. I'm not talking gas and insurance I'm talking repairs. Pretty much one week ago I had her in the shop for a new starter plug thing, CAA wanted to sell me a battery which wouldn't have fixed the problem so at least I didn't go in for that. And now she has to be towed there for who-knows-what-but-the-Key-won't-turn. I was working like crazy last week and every penny that I made will be going into getting the car fixed and running again. which puts me back into the it costs me near $300 a month just to have the car (gas and insurance) the start plug was an additional $300 and some and who knows how much I'll have to put into her this week I'm close to saying no more for her. but the thing is I then can't get to my classes or my aqua fit classes or make trips into guelph to visit people. this car is turning into a trogan horse.