Dec 09, 2007 00:22
I'm not having fun with this cold I caught from my mom, so I used it as a splendid excuse to sleep...quite a bit today. ^^
I did, however, manage to watch "A Clockwork Orange" that came from Blockbuster's online rental thing. Now, I loved the book, so I had high standards coming in. But, half I absolutely LOVED, the other half (mostly the blatant sex and nudity) could have been done away with. I loved the way the apartment was done up, the costumes, the false eyelashes he wore, etc. If there wasn't so much unneeded nudity, it would have been a favorite! The music was awesome, as expected. And I want to go to that record store that was in that movie! The jacket he was wearing in that scene was fab too. So was his suit! Big ties need to come back. And watching the movie brings back my fascination with the book and its controversy of choice in humans. I love going back and looking at it in a purely Freudian way, too. Like how his violence is stemmed and how society changes, stuff like that. It's interesting to think about it. Books are always best when they leave you with many issues, themes, and thoughts to sort out.
It's only rained once or twice still this month. And I have so much to do for school. I need something to pacify work...besides being sick. At least I can still see the stars clearly when there are no rain clouds in sight.
<3 this song...
pink floyd,
clockwork orange,