"we'll do our best to ensure, you'll feel secure if you can"

Mar 17, 2009 00:00

Ok. Good. All set and back from LA. As much as I long for adventures, it feels good to be home at my dorm.

I'm really glad I went to see a bunch of family I hadn't seen in a while. My aunt and uncle are still looking to move out of their apartment in LA so as to have more room for the baby, but I like taking advantage of where they are now when I visit. :P LA is nice when the sun isn't piercing my forehead with a headache. We visited the new Grammy Museum which was surprisingly good. They had a bunch of information about the history of recording, backgrounds of different kinds of genres, and a bunch of stuff like that. I was singing along to quite a bit of it. :P

I'm also madly obsessed with airplanes. Even if the flight only lasts about an hour. I think it'd be awesome to dress up like a 60s flight stewardess next Halloween. Don't steal my idea. :P On both plane flights, I also had some good conversation with my mom. I hardly get to talk to her about more serious topics. She cares, but she's such an introverted and independent person that she doesn't feel like things like that need to be brought up at all. Lol, apparently she was the girl always getting hit on in college too. :P My mom's awesome, though. I'm exceedingly grateful that I have a good relationship with both my parents. I bet you my soon-to-be-born cousin will have that too. ^^

I really love spending time with my mom's side of the family. They turn everywhere into an Epicurean adventure. One day Persian cafe, another is a Cuban bakery, yet another is a 24 hour Jewish diner, then homemade Korean food... And "bedtime snack" is a serious staple of the day. :P Plus sarcasm, jokes, and silliness are just a way of life. My dad's side of the family, though fun, is loud and hectic at times. I could sit and talk with my mom's side for a whole afternoon. ^^

After all that good time with good company, it'll be weird to go back to interacting with friends and classmates that aren't so good with picking up social cues. >.< There are a few in my humanities class tomorrow... just ugh.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow! St. Patty's Day!!! :D Oh, it's great to have a bit of Irish heritage.

My friend got us all signed up for dorms today!! ^^ YAY for having a cool roommate and great neighbors! We'll be on the twelth and top floor with a bunch of our friends. Plus, I think some of our other friends are getting rooms on the eleventh floor. :D I'm pretty psyched. Next year is looking to be quite awesome.

Ps- I love folk music so much. So so much. It's so simple, but it communicates so much *HUMANNESS*. Ugh. Love it.

friends, family, roommate, museum, food, school, la, music

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