Jan 13, 2009 23:37
Be the Love in a love-less world. -Definitely make that the lesson for today/ever. I'm dead tired of people not caring for their own fellow humans.
Today was pretty uneventful, but I assure you that it's been long...and I can make anything appear epic/meaningful/thought-provoking. Besides, I promise: Today had a theme/thesis/topic! (Oo, lookit me, writing papers on my break!)
Went to the dentist today for the usual analysis of how well I've been brushing my teeth. I brush them awfully, to be honest. I could care less about the aesthetic of teeth. In fact, they're rather charming crooked...and BONE colored. White teeth scare me. Teeth are bones, so they should look like bones! That's what I think anyway. When my teeth were being cleaned by the hygienist, I was listening in on a conversation my dentist was having with the patient in the section next to mine. The woman was asking about why she needed to get a cap on her tooth or if she needed a root canal. It was interesting to hear my dentist go on and explain every little detail about each procedure, explaining the pros and the cons of each option. He was saying that it was his job to catch things before they hurt and if you go to a dentist about a tooth ache, pain isn't necessarily a factor in how bad it is. I love how passionate he is about his job and how real he gets about it. It's almost like he's there for the people and the tooth thing is just a secondary thing. I remember when he told my mom and I that I needed my wisdom teeth out, my mom flipped out. She's never had her wisdom teeth out, so she was quite wary. He took the time to sit down with both of us and explain every facet of getting wisdom teeth out and leaving them in, with full x-ray pictures for reference. I love understanding the problem, not just relying on a professional to fix things. It was encouraging to go then, today (besides the fact I have to go again tomorrow for a minor cavity. meh.) and see what a genuine person my dentist is.
I've really enjoyed having lunch and talking with my mom these past few days while my brother's been in school. We had some more gourmet fast food and talked about people, the common bond of humanity, what it means to be selfish (and how it's a part of being a kid), whether or not we should care if we're liked or not, architecture, and how delicious french fries are. ^^ She has such a rigid view of all these deep, poetic things I keep bringing up, but I think that does come with age. I've still got the wide-eyed curiosity of youth. She listens patiently, though, albeit with that grounded, logical retort at the ready. She said, though, that she didn't care if people liked her or not. I gave her a fake frowny face and said that I want people to like me, so they'll listen to me. :P My mom just plainly stated, "If they don't like me, it's their loss." In so many ways, I'm like my mom...but in others, so different.
I proceeded to spend the rest of the afternoon with my friend, Alyssa. We enjoyed the weather outside because it was gorgeous, then went inside where we laughed at hilarious Sheri Lewis and Lamb Chop kid's shows. ^^ I'm obsessed with the Nutcracker Suite one. OBSESSED, I tell you!
Then, I went to the park with another friend, Ian. He decided we needed to find another spot, so he showed me one of his favorite hills to trek across. We watched the sunset from the top. The sky was an electric orange at the horizon, reflecting the hue onto the surface of the bay. The trees growing on the hill were mere silhouettes of black against it. The tacky "chrome" gradient in photoshop was in full effect on the sky, from the warm orange to a slight blue-gray to a deep midnight blue. The city lights were a lot closer to that hill than the one on our property. I waved hello to the general direction of San Francisco, England, and Hawaii. Ian's voice was completely shot due to a sore throat, but we managed to converse plenty over his scratchy bass-octave voice. We usually end up having good conversations, anyhow. I've known the kid for ages, practically. I'll miss our hike-and-chats when I head back to school.
Then we had collage group at our house. Basically just a ton of people over (or a dozen or so :P). It came up and I said the Be the Love in a love-less world bit, which was responded to by a nod and a "hmm" sigh of agreement. That's a group of people that will see that out, I have no doubt. The group dispersed and dissolved into talking, as usual. At the end end, only two girls hadn't left yet. For some reason, they were laughing hysterically at our family's humor. Or, well, how well my brother and I play off each other comedically. (I still swear that kid should be a stand-up comedian!) But both of us have seen the same comedians, enjoy the same British humor, and know our plethora of inside jokes. At one point, the one girl remarked that she felt like she ought to pay us for being so entertaining...which resulted in more jokes and what not. They went off laughing, with orders from us to watch Eddie Izzard's stand-up comedy.
People and the reactions that ensue between them make up life. So embrace the opportunities that surround you. I guess that's the general theme of the day. People are life. Appreciate them. Be the positive influence of love for their lives. And stop being so damned selfish! That's kid stuff.
Ps- Don't you LOVE when a whole day drifts toward one theme? It's like it was a chapter book in the making or something.
Pps- Today was good. Or maybe that's because I started and ended it with a warm mug of Earl Grey tea. MMMmmm...