5 ways in which the SPN fandom is awesome

May 20, 2013 10:12

A couple of things happened recently.
1. I got so invested in my love of show that when I saw some of the ways in which people outside my safe bubble of fandom hate on it, I got upset and whined about it on my journal a few times.
2. There was this 'reasons why' challenge over at
the_deepbluesea which challenged us to tell people why we love a fandom. Now, I think people interpreted as 'show' but I'm going to talk about the fandom. Because despite all my recent bitching about it, there really is a shit ton of stuff to love.

So, dear dusty-and-mostly-neglected LJ graphics comm - have a list. :)

1. it's okay to have a crush on a car

In a fandom where pretty much anything goes, yeah.... it's cool to have a crush on a car. And who can resist, just look at that sexy beast! ;)

2. look at what the fans have done!

This fandom literally has it all.
Fanfic, fanvids, meta, graphics, fanmix, podfic, t-shirts, fan film, crafts, baked goods, charity auctions, kink meme, anon meme, and a ton of stuff I'm probably forgetting at the moment.
The ways in which fans have used Supernatural to spark their own creativity is amazing.
There are literally dozens of active LJ communities and more active big bangs than you can shake a stick at. 99% of the communities are welcoming, fun-loving and wank-free. Not only do guest star characters like Charlie Bradbury have their own community, the bat!cave and purgatory do, too.

Here are some examples of the varied fanworks:

- AO3 currently has 40,103 tagged works; if you go browse that you could keep yourself occupied until season 9
- a highly creative and wonderfully executed fan film, details at ca-films
- too many vids to list. You can start with pretty much any fanvid by ash48 ( masterlist) or secretlytodream (posts to comm graphicinmotion)
- podfic can be found in a few places in addition to the archive at http://www.audiofic.jinjurly.com/ you can try spn-cwrpfpodfic & cakehole-club
- Almost every fandom auction you run across has many Supernatural selections. spn-bigpretzel is an example of a community that holds specific events. Here is a list of the community's Charitable Giving and Fundraising Efforts
- graphics seems to have moved to tumblr quite a bit, but there are still some talented icon makers still making great stuff. bel-perdente & bl00dredskies are a couple of my go-to icon makers. Examples:



Oh, you thought I was talking about types of porn? Well, yes. This fandom literally has it all. Pretty much every pairing, every trope, every kink (dear Chuck, there is stuff labeled out there that I don't even know what it is!!) You name it, you can probably find it in the SPN fandom.

3. there's so much quantity & quality of GEN stuff

Sometimes it can feel like fandom is mostly about the sex, but Supernatural has a huge variety of gen fic (non-romantic). The gen fans are a large enough group they support their own big bang!

Not only is there a ton of gen fic, a lot of it is really extraordinarily good.

The most common type of gen fic that I've run across is case fic. Granted, this could be because it's the sort of gen fic I typically seek out, but I still think it's one of the most common variety in the SPN fandom. In addition to case fic, there are many missing scenes, slice-of-life and future fic pieces.

Here are a couple examples:
(fic) Hopeful Monster written by monster_of_hope (12K)
(podfic) Ain't Scared of Lightning (The Life and Times of Dean Winchester) written by jwynn read by desertport

For more, check out spn-summergen spn-gen-podfics spn-gen-bigbang & the gen tag @ crack-impala

4. Sam's hair

In this fandom, Sam's Hair is actually a thing to be fannish about. And it's srs bsns, yo.

5. Dean's enduring love of pie

Dean loves pie. Fans love Dean's love of pie. Dean rarely gets to eat his pie. *queue manpain*

Fans are so involved with Dean and his pie that there's even a wiki page dedicated to the subject. It outlines the 18 episodes in which Dean does not get his pie, talks about pie as metaphor, discusses how pie is a harbinger of 'bad things to come'. There are even musical references throughout the show and theories linking pie to sex. Even when pie isn't on the menu, it's often mentioned in the show. It's quite intense, this fascination with pie.

I want some fan service, dear show. Let Dean EAT HIS PIE AND NO ONE DIE!

What things do you love about the SPN fandom?

fandom: supernatural, *picspam

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