Supernatural Vid: Don't Walk Away

Mar 24, 2012 20:42

Title: Don't Walk Away
Fandom: Supernatural
Song: Don't Walk Away by Ryan Levine
Character/pairing: Sam &or/ Dean
Notes/Warnings: Originally inspired by geckoholic at the FFFA, but it kinda ran away from me and somehow came from Sam's POV. It's about how Sam tries to make up for the mistakes he feels he's made and the guilt he carries over looking for another life. Clips from seasons 1-6.
Thank you to eyestoowide for her feedback and input. :D

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56MB *mp4 @ mediafire

I never knew exactly what I'd find
Looking down the road of another life
I never really meant to leave your side
Looking down the road of another life

I don't know what is left inside of our eyes
No don't walk away
Tell me all the steps I need to take
No don't walk away
I know what a fool I've been and I'll clean the mess I've made

When I felt the child inside me shut his eyes
Looking down the road of another life
And I never thought that our love would die
Looking down the road of another life

And I don't know what is left inside our eyes
I don't know if you take me back this time

No don't walk away
Tell me all the steps I need to take
No don't walk away
I know what a fool I've been and I'll clean the mess I've made

No one ever really knows
No one never learns to live alone
They just get tired
And their hearts get cold

I never really knew just what I'd find
Looking down the road of another life

fandom: supernatural, fanvid: supernatural, *fanvid

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