Picspam: The Awesome Women of Stargate Universe

Nov 15, 2010 19:37

The Women of Stargate Universe & why they are Awesome.

~ spoilers up to episode 2x06 'Trial and Error'

This picpsam was made for the 'tell me why' challenge @ scifiland

First of all, they're all gorgeous - even when they're disheveled and dirty. But not in that fake TV show way, at least not in my opinion. Anyway, sometimes the characters will surprise you. Like in episode 1x10 'Justice' where Chloe begins to find her footing on board destiny.
CHLOE: Hypothetically, if he was suffering from withdrawal, it could have caused him anxiety, depression, even suicidal tendencies.

These are real people (as real as fictional characters can be) stuck out on a ship a living ship and they're just trying to find a way home. Home to loved ones like Sharon. Camile and Sharon's relationship is so fantastically portrayed. It's not shoved in our face that "hey, we're a progressive show - look! we have lesbians!". Their relationship is shown to us in a matter of fact way, like any other relationship. It just is. Perhaps there's an edge of bigotry to it, perhaps not. It's not defined as such, but the reality is that any government or military aligned organization is probably going to have some issue with Camile's sexuality.
WRAY: You passed me up for promotion four times. I never really got a straight answer as to why.
STROM: You are a highly trusted, well-respected member of this organization. You would not have been on Icarus in the first place if you weren't.
WRAY: The point is, I know there's no way in hell you'd be talking to me right now if you had a choice. So, please, can we just cut to the chase?

Ah, the controversial scene in the first episode. I loved it! I love that Vanessa isn't simply a solider and OMG-women-like-to-have-sex! Shh... don't tell. Over the series, we see Vanessa struggle with life aboard Destiny along with the added pain of being dumped for another. She handles it maturely but it still hurts enough that she's not quite over it yet. Is that real enough for you, or have you never been dumped?
JAMES: Second Lieutenant Vanessa James. Twenty-six. Air Force Special Forces. All I have to say is…I don't want to die out here.

The women aboard Destiny are tough and not afraid to stand their ground. They're also settling into life and forming friendships.
JAMES: Dr. Caine's pretty cute, huh? There is nothing sexier than a widower.
ELI: Uh…
JAMES: A man who's proven that he can make a commitment, and is single through no fault of his own. I mean, what more could you ask for?
CAINE: I can hear you.
JAMES: Uh…I-I…I'm so sorry.
CAINE: How about we just, uh, carry on like nothing happened?
JAMES: Okay. Thank you.
JAMES: God. Kill me now.
Later on...
TJ: So, uh, what do you think? You and James? Any…any chance there?
CAINE: It-it could just get really awkward. You know, if things didn't work out. I mean, being stuck on this ship with someone you've had a bad relationship with? No, thanks. It's probably best to just keep things professional for as long as we can. I mean, we'll see. If we're here much longer, I hereby reserve the right to completely change my mind.

This show has some of the best supporting characters I've run across in a long time. While not given top billing, characters like Lisa Park really help flesh out the story line. I love it when she comes on the screen (especially when she's working with Brody, but that's another story).
BRODY: Propulsion's almost completely shot. Might be able to get to the point where you can fly down to the planet, but there's no way it's gonna have enough power to get back up, so there's that. We're making some progress on navigation. We can turn left. But not right, or up or down.
YOUNG: Okay. (to Park) Why did you say "great"?
PARK: W-we can turn left.

The weeks wear on and they're no closer to getting home. They're separated from loved ones, some are facing the possibility of raising a child aboard Destiny and then they're attacked by the Lucian Alliance. They just can't catch a break, but they still do what needs to be done.
WRAY: This is Camile Wray.
KIVA: Colonel Young has proved that he cannot be trusted. Can you?
WRAY: Yes.

TJ has the nerves, resolve, and calm nature needed to be a leader, but seems to have faith in the leadership capabilities of both Col. Young and Lt. Scott. She's practical and level-headed and has diffused several situations. Having been shot when the Lucian Alliance tried to take over the ship, it appeared to everyone that she had lost her baby. Is her baby really back on the planet with the others or is it the hopeful thinking of a grieving mother?
TJ: Remember that planet that we stopped at, that we thought was created by aliens?
RILEY: Yeah.
TJ: I know this sounds crazy, but I went back there. I don't know if it was a dream, a vision, maybe. They said that they came and got me. They have my baby, and she's safe there.
RILEY: Do you believe that?
TJ: It felt real. And I don't know how to explain it. I want it to be possible, it's just that little…little bit of hope. It makes things bearable, so…so I let it live.

In season 2, Chloe gets a more interesting story line. What is happening to her and can she be trusted? Is she still herself?
CHLOE: He, uh, wanted me to look at some equations; see if I understood them.
SCOTT: Did you?
CHLOE: I don't know.

And that's not all! Besides the main cast and the supporting cast, there are lots of guest stars who are awesome. Like Andrea Palmer who was so pretty on that sand planet before she died and Eli's mom. Come on, who doesn't have a soft spot for Eli's mom? Chloe's mom, Gloria Rush, Dr. Mehta, Ginn, Emily, and - of course - Samantha Carter.
SHARON: I joined a book club.
WRAY: Hmm?
SHARON: Yeah, it's supposed to be all women, but there are a few enlightened young men who stop by and claim to have an interest in 19th century chick lit.

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~ original caps by me (my caps site) & transcripts exerpts from sg1-solutions

*picspam, picspam: stargate

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