Nov 01, 2004 20:01
Damn! I be one slack ass, lazy, good for nothin' gettin' nothin' done at school tonight. I just can't help it sometimes... I mean what the hell, I go to work and stare at a computer, then I go to school and learn how to mess with computers or whatever, then I go home and don't even own one myself! How pathetic! And yea, yea... I'm suppose to be workin' on this web page stuff right now, but this is the only time I ever have to jot in my journal, wich as any passionate writer will tell you: "That Aint The Way It Works!" You have to write when the mood hits you, not at one certain time of the day, everyday, just because that's the only time you have to write... It totally contradicts itself. To create such a free and liberal art form within such constraints!
Now I'm not calling myself an artist by any means, or even a writer for that matter... but when your inspired your inspired damn it! ...and I'm never inspired towards anything other than random venting and whining by this time of night...
However, always trying to be a sap by ATTEMPTING to look at the glass half full... at least I am writing, however it turns out. And when I rant and rave it does tend to be more raw and have a natural flow about it. Maybe I'm just a born complainer... Maybe I the glass is half full, but it's full of crap, or something.
So... Another wasted journal agonizing over me being me... It's like I'm 15 years old all over again, when I hated the world and everything on it... boo fkn hoo, get over it!
Well, that seemed to have calmed me down some... I'll have a computer up and running at home soon enough, and I still like writing in my notebook journal, and besides, school and work are what pay the bills and pave that way towards the future and all that jazz...
One more day has come to a close, leaving me still out of reach of my goals... but everyday I get closer, every minute, every drop of sweat, every breath, brings me closer to my dreams. I'm not going to be what I've always been anymore, I'm not going to be what they've always wanted me to be and I never was, I will be a grand culmination of many extremes... to such an extent that I will never trully reach my dreams of completelly becomeing... after all, it's the journey not the destination, it's the adventure not the riches, it's the trying to be, not the being.