morning reverie

Apr 19, 2007 09:27

I feel like I've been losing weight again lately -- although the stress of the wedding is over, the stress of coordinating lives now begins -- which really irks me because I've mostly managed to stay above 100 lbs without *too* much effort over the past year. What it boils down to is that I *have* to get back in the gym. After only a few months of strength training last year I was hovering around 110 with ease. And of course I felt stronger, more balanced, and alert. My appetite was better stimulated so I ate more, and healthier, foods.

To get "back in the groove," as they say, I'm focusing on *healthy fats* this morning.

Breakfast: 1 (organic) avocado - 280 calories; 1 cup of greek style yogurt (extra thick 'n creamy, yummm) - 320 calories; 1 cup of trail mix - 625 calories; 1 "rescue" green tea (b+chamomile) vitamin water - 150 calories; 1 cup of coffee w/ cream - 30 calories.

Total = 1405.

Off to a good start!

I want to get back in the habit of jotting down a few things in livejournal, too. Of course Aschwin and I have just been busy as hell for the past week and a half, but I could use the extra "mental space" that LJ provides.

Time to get back to work for now, though...we have a patient transfer today and I have a lot of surgical instruments to familiarize myself with.
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