science vs. romance: redux

Oct 15, 2006 14:38

Ahhh, my birthday went just as planned -- I did nothing at all. Actually, I went to Target and got a few cleaning supplies, since the guys who lived in my house before me didn't do a very good job of scrubbing up before they left. So I spent my birthday cleaning. Which doesn't sound very exciting, admittedly...but it was satisfying. And, after a week with no electricity, I finally managed to put down the $300 deposit APS requires of all new customers in order to turn on the power. So I have taken about three hot showers in the past two days (my landlady pays for water), after suffering without one for over a week. Glory!

Getting all set up in my new place sure is costing an arm and a leg, though. The post office even charged me $40 just for the key to my damn mailbox! Which wouldn't be so bad except that I owe a couple of good friends money. All I can say to you two (you know who you are) is: give me a little more time. I wasn't expecting to move and have to start paying rent so soon, but I had to jump at the chance to nab this house before someone else got it. Now I'm up to my ears again...but the good part is that the paychecks keep coming, so it won't be long before I dig myself out. Slow and steady, as they say.

Speaking of work -- I'm close to having all the equipment I need to start my experiments at Alcor, which is exciting. And now that I have a place of my own where I can get a little peace and quiet I've actually been able to READ and STUDY and crazy things like that! I even have my computer up and working (though I am still sans Internet bill at a time, please). Also, note to tastelikechickn and memgineer: Jesse agreed to act as an additional community member of our IACUC, saying "Guess I don't mind an excuse to go hang out with the freezer nerds."

What else, what else? The 2006 Society for Neuroscience conference is taking place in Atlanta right now. Nick has been emailing me about all the people there that are asking where the hell I am. Hopefully I'll have something to present next year. Anyway, I'm glad I'm not in Atlanta. I really wasn't looking forward to that, even when I thought I would be attending this year's conference. NOT my favorite city, Atlanta, though I suppose it would have been nice to see sysd and rosindust.

And now for the topic broached by my subject title: Aschwin (the "Dutch boy cryonicist" referred to in a recent post) will be visiting Alcor from October 20-30. Which means...gosh, what does that mean? That science and romance will finally learn to get along in my little world? Preposterous!

Isn't it?
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