It's June already, so it's time for another goals update:
1. Health Goals: I resolved to drink more water, eat more fruits and veggies, and walk at least 10,000 steps a day.
2. Personal Project Goals: I resolved to get digital photos sorted by the end of February and collect memorable bits from Facebook for my essays; resolved to work on writing or editing at least one day a week; resolved to relearn ukulele songs I've forgotten and learn new ones, and keep creating my regular webcomic and video content.
3. Reading Goals: I resolved to read at least twice a week.
4. Relationship and Communication Goals: I resolved to document daily life stuff more, keep up with e-mails and online communication, and make time for friends and family.
5. Other Goals: I wanted to prepare and sell my mom's house, watch some TV shows I'd dropped, and not play time-wasting tames.
Progress Update:
Summary: Water consumption is going solid, though I think it's settled into a schedule and I pretty regularly end up drinking four glasses of water a day. (In between other kinds of beverages; typically two coffees and one or two diet sodas.) I've been trying for three servings of fruit and vegetables (with one always being a green veggie), but sometimes I end up with only two if I have big meals sometime during the day. And I walked at least 10,000 steps every day of May. Here is my calendar of progress:
Summary: Again I did NO photo sorting this month; it is still at the same point in progress that I was last month. I will be diving into this sometime in the near future, but I am also balancing this with another project that's cropped up: preparing some additional content for my upcoming 1,000th webcomic for Negative One. I still very much want to get the photos done but it's taking way longer than I wanted. It's okay if I don't do as well with some of the goals, but that doesn't mean I want to abandon them. And I have continued collecting Facebook clips almost every day.
I did not pick up my in-progress novel but I completed my new short story and began submitting, along with submitting other short stories. My ukulele practice has not been a focus, but I still hope to do some review before the summer and to start learning the new songs soon.
Summary: Back in the saddle a bit and for the first time I am reading two books simultaneously. (One needs to be done by a specific deadline because it's not released yet and I was asked to blurb it.)
Summary: I didn't have that much to document this month, but I did fall behind where I wanted to be on that. My e-mail box is at 4 unanswered mails. I had a vacation this month and a few events, and have had social events more like three times a week instead of four like last month. I wish I had used the extra time for more projects, but it happens.
Summary: Selling my mom's house was high on the agenda and I'm pretty excited to say I did it. The preparation was completed early last month and it went on the market and sold pretty much immediately after four days on the market. We close on June 14.
My plaster pillar from my mom's house is still outside and I'm still planning to paint it. I still have some of her statues and things that I want to sell but it's difficult to get takers. One of the statues did sell. I listed a bunch of eBay collectibles for Meghan and have been walking to the post office often to drop off sold items.
I have planned to do some health screenings this year and I think the next thing I should focus on is getting my eyes checked. Following that, sometime this year I'm going to get to the dentist as well.
I mostly haven't had issues with time-wasting games, but for some reason for a few days in a row I decided I wanted to learn the countries of the world and played geography games too much. I have not picked up any of the TV shows I want to watch.
Will update again next month!