The State of the Swankivy - June 24 - June 30

Jul 01, 2023 20:15

The week in review:
  • Saturday was pretty slow--did my blogging and Poloing and argued with someone on the internet about stuff I know thoroughly and they don't know at all (sounds pretty typical). Also managed to redecorate for the new season.

  • Sunday I did my laundry in the morning and got some walking done and talked to Mom on the phone. In the evening my friend Kari came over and we got some pizza and finally watched the last few episodes of Steven Universe! Amazing! Finally I don't have to hide certain spoilers from her. We also got to catch up on each other's lives and hang out. After she left I finally took my trash out. :)

  • Monday we just had one letter to go out. I practiced my uke and read some old comic issues. Played games with my friends in the evening and caught up on news. Sang a karaoke song.

  • Tuesday was mostly spent inviting people to join teams we're forming for upcoming work. Then just spent the rest of the day practicing music and reading, and playing silly quiz games on the internet. Stayed up way too late. Like until 6 AM.

  • Wednesday was mostly data searches for upcoming projects. I talked to my boss about a project that I don't have the expertise for and ended up bringing one of my friends into the fray because he has the background, and my boss asked him to do it! Yay. I practiced ukulele and went out with Jeaux to SoFresh. After he left I filmed a video.

  • Thursday involved reports and coordination. Then I processed my new video and subtitled it. Sketched out my So You Write frames and colored them. Wrote a storyboard for Negative One as well. Managed to take a couple nice naps.

  • Friday I worked on timesheets and some project tracking. Also prepared reports and coordinated on some internal issues. After work I practiced ukulele and worked on my comic. Got my steps in at night.

Articles, Interviews, Mentions:

New Reviews:

Social media counts:
YouTube subscribers: 5,440 for swankivy (4 new), 679 for JulieSondra (lost 1), 17 for v & V Vids (no change), 180 for Not-So-Giant Women (1 new), 72 for Tides of Time Band (1 new). Twitter followers: 866 for swankivy (lost 2), 3,851 for JulieSondra (lost 1). Facebook: 296 friends for swankivy (no change), 644 likes for JulieSondra (1 new), 82 followers for Negative One (no change), 240 likes for So You Write (no change), 95 followers for Not-So-Giant-Women (no change). Tumblr followers: 2,435 (lost 3). Instagram followers: 257 (no change).

Health Plan Update:

  • Weight stuff: More progress. High was not as high, haha. But I think I need to do something else to figure out how to get past just not going up. I'll keep doing what I'm doing for a bit and see what happens. The spinach smoothies have not been in as high rotation as they were and I need to return to that, and maybe I should bring back oatmeal since that seemed to be very satisfying for a long time. High weight: 121.5 Low weight: 119.7.
  • Nutrition stuff: Every day this week (except pizza day with Kari) I had a low-fat diet, which I was very happy about! I'm getting enough protein and have been pretty good about balance. I think I need some more vegetable content in my diet though. Still consistently taking the vitamins.
  • Activity stuff: I met my walking goal every day this week. My low day was Tuesday at 10,007 steps, and my high day was Sunday at 12,702 steps.

Books Read:

  • Finished Reading: Nothing this week.

  • Currently Reading: Be Gay, Do Comics by Matt Bors. I'm on page 52.

Songs Sung:

This week's karaoke song is "Return to Me" by October Project.

Videos Made:

Letters to an Asexual #104 is out! This video involves a disingenuous, disrespectful commenter coming up with various dismissive explanations for asexuality, including that it is not genuine because asexuals are trying to make money or get attention, or that our orientation is a symptom of drugs in our drinking water. (???) This is an example of the type of detractor who dumps various totally unrelated "rebuttals" to asexuality, any one of which they're hoping will silence us and make us feel like it's not worth it to advocate for ourselves in activism.

Pictures Taken:


Stuff Drawn:

My monthly writing webcomic, So You Write:

#145: default.

My weekly fantasy webcomic, Negative One:

#0946: dax #138: out of respect.

Written this week:

Writing site:

Writing blog:
  • None.
Tumblr blog:

drawing, asexual, internet, negative one, kari

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