The week in review:
- Saturday I slept late, got up and did my blogging. Did some walking earlier in the day in preparation for a lot of sitting. My friend Kari and I got pizza and spent the evening just talking and catching up. She stayed over in my guestroom.
- Sunday I had a nice morning with Kari before she had to be on her way. I ate the leftover pizza. I did my laundry and took a nap, then communicated with friends, put out my trash, did a karaoke recording, and helped Mom buy pants on the internet.
- Monday involved some letters and some selection announcements at work. Also had a meeting. Made a yummy omelet. Watched communications on Marco Polo from my friends. Did some holiday shopping, played games with my friends online, and played a game by myself while listening to news.
- Tuesday I helped with another letter and stamping some documents. And another meeting. Listened to news about the Georgia election and the Trump org being declared guilty. Made a Polo for Cara. Worked on plans for my podcast. Did more holiday shopping.
- Wednesday was a slow day with one meeting and some catch-up, plus new data entry to do. Did more holiday shopping. Talked to Tony, whom I hadn't seen in a while. Jeaux and I went to an Indian restaurant called Haveli and my food was too spicy (even though I looked up on the internet what Indian food is the least spicy and ordered one of those), so Jeaux took it home. After that we shopped, watched Colbert, took walks, and shared silly things with each other.
- Thursday I spent all day on utility stuff and data entry. Then I did Polo recordings and worked on my comic a little. Worked on my podcast plan a little more.
- Friday I was hoping to have a meeting but the person who wanted to arrange the meeting didn't follow up. I did some more utility stuff and worked on my comic after work. Also did some gift wrapping and communication with friends. After posting the comic and getting my steps in, I wrote up a long essay in the style of "AITA" (Am I the Asshole?).
Social media counts:
YouTube subscribers: 5,407 for
swankivy (lost 4), 675 for
JulieSondra (no change), 18 for
v & V Vids (no change), 167 for
Not-So-Giant Women (lost 1), 60 for
Tides of Time Band (1 new). Twitter followers: 884 for swankivy (lost 2), 3,407 for JulieSondra (5 new). Hive Social: It's offline temporarily fixing security issues, so I don't know the status.
Post: 2 for juliesondra (no change). Facebook: 295 friends for
swankivy (no change), 636 likes for
JulieSondra (no change), 81 followers for
Negative One (no change), 237 likes for
So You Write (no change), 92 followers for
Not-So-Giant-Women (no change).
Tumblr followers: 2,439 (no change).
Instagram followers: 250 (1 new).
Health Plan Update:
- Weight stuff: Can't really report a trend. There was a little bit of up and down and I don't really have any logic to offer about it. High weight: 119.0. Low weight: 117.6.
- Nutrition stuff: Well, I made a bit of a change in that I'm having spinach every day! Plus sometimes carrots and mushrooms with my dip. But I'm relying too much on salty fake meat and my diet has been pretty high fat again. Still consistently taking the vitamins.
- Activity stuff: I met my walking goal every day this week. My low day was Monday at 10,288 steps, and my high day was Thursday at 12,511 steps.
Books Read:
Songs Sung:
This week's karaoke song is
"The Voice" by the Moody Blues.
Videos Made:
Pictures Taken:
Stuff Drawn:
My weekly fantasy webcomic,
Negative One:
#0917: ivy #285: philosophical question.
Written this week:
Writing site:
Writing blog:
Tumblr blog: