The week in review:
- Saturday was Day 2 of Metrocon. I got ready with my Amethyst costume, including purple face paint! Jeaux was supposed to drive me to the convention so my makeup wouldn't melt but he had a problem with his tire so I had to take a Lyft car anyway. I met him at the con later. Saw tons of cute costumes! Jeaux and I took a break to walk to a place called The Naked Farmer and back to his place to eat, and the sun melted my makeup so I had to redo it. Then we dodged the rain and went back to the convention. We hung out looking at costumes for a few more hours and shopped in the dealer room. Then he drove me home and hung out a bit before going home. I was pretty tired so I went to bed without completing my blogging.
- Sunday I got up after sleeping 10 hours. I did laundry and belated blogging, and talked on Polo while getting steps in. I caught up on chores but mostly had a nice quiet day.
- Monday I worked on utility projects again, worked on interview materials, and transcribed some questions. Also had to attend a debrief meeting. After work I cleaned up some messes that had developed with costume parts and convention junk, and then I went into game-playing with my friends. Then I made a Letters to an Asexual video and got the transcript done mostly before I went to bed.
- Tuesday involved utility stuff, document prep, and meetings. My mom came over to meet with a notary at my house to sign refinancing paperwork, and she hung out for a while after that. Then my friend Steve came over to see me one more time before he moves to Tennessee. We ate at Joe's Diner and then left a little early because Tony had showed up to help me put some stairs together! So we came back and he was able to do it. He's the best! Steve and I hung out and had coffee until he had to go. Then I spent some time on Polo and gathered some clothes for an upcoming donation pickup.
- Wednesday I mostly worked on meeting and interview stuff and utilities, plus one debrief meeting and some data entry. Very busy. I had a visit from some AC techs who helped me with the weird water noise I heard in the pipes, and they said I had a drainage clog and fixed it. I'm glad because it probably would have caused a flood. Then Jeaux came over and we got groceries and ate at Five Guys. We then watched Colbert and What We Do in the Shadows, took a walk, and hung out. After he left I went through some of the boxes from my grandparents' belongings and enjoyed some memory lane.
- Thursday I got up late and worked on utility stuff and reports. Finished sorting stuff from my grandparents. Made and listened to Polos. Victor tried to call me during the work day (I was still working) but didn't call during his usual time so yet again I did not talk to him. I watched the January 6 hearings while drawing my comic and finished it. Then Jeaux called and we decided to watch Colbert's coverage of the hearings while on the phone together. I dusted some stuff in my living room while talking to him and later cleaned the bathrooms. I'm about to have houseguests so I thought they would like a clean bathroom! Everyone does!
- Friday I successfully got some communication for utility work that I'd been struggling with. Then I worked on project reports and went to meetings. After work I got my comic up, finished cleaning the bathrooms, and worked on my next podcast for Not-So-Giant Women. Got it uploaded despite the computer shutting down in the middle of processing it once. Did a little more dusting and went to sleep.
New Reviews:
Social media counts:
YouTube subscribers: 5,428 for
swankivy (7 new), 679 for
JulieSondra (2 new), 18 for
v & V Vids (1 new), 144 for
Not-So-Giant Women (1 new). Twitter followers: 915 for swankivy (1 new), 3,325 for JulieSondra (1 new). Facebook: 295 friends for
swankivy (no change), 639 likes for
JulieSondra (lost 1), 81 followers for
Negative One (no change), 236 likes for
So You Write (no change), 90 followers for
Not-So-Giant-Women (no change).
Tumblr followers: 2,448 (lost 1).
Instagram followers: 245 (2 new).
Health Plan Update:
- Weight stuff: I ate a fair amount of lazy and subsistence food this week, but still got a decent number of smoothies and fruit in. Unfortunately I still saw an increase on the scale for some reason. High weight: 118.1. Low weight: 116.4.
- Nutrition stuff: Consistently seeing higher fat percentages in my diet this week. I guess easy food is also fatty food. Vitamins have been consistent!
- Activity stuff: I made my step goals every day this week. My low day was Tuesday at 10,177 steps, and my high day was Saturday at 26,128 steps (the convention was a lot of walking).
Books Read:
- Finished Reading: Nothing this week.
- Currently Reading: A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore. I'm on page 292.
Songs Sung:
This week's karaoke song is
"Sweet Dreams" by Eurythmics.
Videos Made:
Letters to an Asexual #93 ("Your anger is destroying your cause!") is out. In this video, I share two comments from people who explicitly claimed that they would view ALL asexual people in the same negative light inspired by one unpleasant interaction with a single ace person--and that their prejudice is essentially our own fault if one of us treats them badly.
Not-So-Giant Women Episode 37: Warp Tour is out. Join Daria and Ivy as they watch and talk about "Warp Tour" and cover such topics as Peridot's design and status as a modern Gem, Daria's theory about whether Gems need to keep their Gems exposed, the "no one believes the protagonist" trope, what Peridot might be on Earth to do, Steven's allergies, the nature of Warp Space, death-related language in cartoons, theories about Garnet's third eye, and whether Lapis somehow triggered Peridot's visit.
Pictures Taken:
Convention photos from Saturday! The entire album can be browsed at
the Metrocon 2022 album on my site (which also includes the previous day, Friday), but here are some faves from Saturday:
Stuff Drawn:
My weekly fantasy webcomic,
Negative One:
#0897: dax #126: everybody's weird.
Written this week:
Writing site:
Writing blog:
Tumblr blog: