The week in review:
- Saturday I cleaned up some stuff in the house and hung out with my friend Fen starting about midday. We ate fruit and bagels from Publix and caught up on our lives, and then at night we got thai food and watched Steven Universe. We got into a bunch of the more thought-provoking episodes so we ended up talking a lot about some of them as we went into the night. They left and went back to their hotel, and then I found out my friend Victor's mom died. o_o
- Sunday I had to get up early for band practice with Dad. We drove to his place and we practiced with the band trying out some of our new songs, and it was a good time. We're optimistic about some of these songs. Then we got to have some sushi before going home. After I got back I hung out with Fen again and they asked for pizza and Steven Universe so that is what happened. ;) I love when I get people engaged with good shows! We finished Season 1 and Fen had the purest and most fun reaction to the big surprise in the season finale. We ended up talking about it for like half an hour afterwards. :D After they left I was exhausted and went to sleep early.
- Monday was a relatively easy Monday even though we had two letters going out. After work I had a longish nap and played games with my friends online. Meg had the new Jackbox game box so we got to try new games. After work I took a look at some of the ace panel questions I'd be dealing with the next day. Made some partial arrangements with Mom about taking her phone shopping.
- Tuesday I got up early and got some work done before heading out to the doctor. I had my blood taken for labs and then Mom picked me up so we could go phone shopping (but there was some delay and confusion so it took a while for her to get there and I got kind of hangry, aka hungry plus angry, because I'd been fasting and wanted to go eat a bagel). We did get her phone shopping done and then I went back to work, had coffee and breakfast finally, and got my refrigerator repaired! After work we had the Beyond Awareness ace panel and I set up a cute ace flag background to go with my appearance. Afterwards I was tired again and zonked out early.
- Wednesday I got up early to talk to Tony and pay him for yard work. Then I had to work on letters at work and helping a new employee with some stuff. I also went to an informational meeting about paycheck protection and decided to buy a couple policies. Then Jeaux warned me that he was stuck on an issue at work and might be late. He ended up not updating me for multiple hours and it turned out he just got really into work mode and forgot. When I finally asked him what was going on we ended up moving Jeaux Day to Friday and I was kinda frustrated since I really wanted to get some refrigerated food after not having any for almost two weeks, but sometimes crap happens, so I decided to just deal. :)
- Thursday I did a few work things but it was a bit on the slow side. I cleaned up the outstanding issues from one of our work orders and helped with business development. I finished making my spreadsheet detailing how much my Steven Universe merch collection is worth. Yikes. In the evening I talked to Victor and tried to finish my webcomic but I didn't get all the way through.
- Friday was another early day and I mostly just fulfilled document requests and had a meeting. After work I posted my comic and met with Jeaux for our substitute Jeaux Day. I finally got to get my refrigerated and frozen food. We then watched Colbert and some silly videos and took our walks, and ate McAlister's food. It was weird having Jeaux Day on a Friday.
Interviews, Articles, Mentions:
- Beyond Awareness Panel is up on YouTube, with me, Yasmin Benoit, and the organizers of the UMassAmherst SpACE+ organization discussing asexual and aromantic spaces.
New Reviews:
Social media counts:
YouTube subscribers: 5,324 for
swankivy (5 new), 672 for
JulieSondra (1 new), 17 for
v & V Vids (no change), 134 for
Not-So-Giant Women (no change). Twitter followers: 924 for swankivy (no change), 2,305 for JulieSondra (15 new). Facebook: 298 friends for
swankivy (no change), 634 likes for
JulieSondra (1 new), 80 followers for
Negative One (no change), 231 likes for
So You Write (1 new), 85 likes for
Not-So-Giant-Women (lost 1).
Tumblr followers: 2,457 (1 new).
Instagram followers: 242 (2 new).
Health Plan Update:
- Weight stuff: Okay! I finally got normal refrigerated stuff and can eat more vegetables besides high-calorie canned beans again, so I'm hoping to lower this by next week. High weight: 116.5. Low weight: 114.6.
- Nutrition stuff: Not nearly enough vegetables because of no frozen or refrigerated foods. Just a lot of starch and a little bit of packaged fruit. I've been surviving on bread, pasta with no sauce, canned food, peanut butter, cereal, and beans. Had some oatmeal with a banana one day. I'm looking forward to eating a BUNCH of veggies next week. YES. Water goals are a little down, but I've done well with the caffeine levels.
- Activity stuff: I made my walking goal every day this week. My low day was Tuesday at 10,008 steps, and my high day was Thursday at 18,881 steps.
Books Read:
- Finished Reading: Nothing this week.
- Currently Reading: Catch and Kill by Ronan Farrow. I'm on page 82.
Songs Sung:
No karaoke this week, I had band practice and never caught up with a recorded song.
Videos Made:
Pictures Taken:
Me with my ace flag:
Stuff Drawn:
My weekly fantasy webcomic, Negative One:
#0861: ivy #227: i could.
Written this week:
Writing site:
Writing blog:
Tumblr blog: