The week in review:
- Well, I got 103 submissions for Pitch Wars. I will drown in submissions. I'm reading, but it's slow going!
- People are getting notices that their copy of my book is shipping to them next week if they preordered on Amazon. Wow! That's a little scary!
- The audio book and Kindle book have been released for preorder on Amazon as well.
- There will be a Goodreads giveaway for my book starting next week! Five free copies are being given away by my publisher, so that's kinda cool. Sign up!
- My nephew turned eight months old and he's crawling. WE HAVE A CRAWLER IN THE FAMILY. He's so dang cute!
- I had dinner at Carrabba's with my mom on Sunday and slept over her house on Tuesday. It was fun--she fed me veggie burgers even!
- I was interviewed about asexuality in YA Interrobang: Dragons Raging. Pretty great little interview!
- I was mentioned in another two linkspams by Queenie this week: This one on sex aversion and this one on people giving ace advice.
- The Asexual Agenda mentioned me in their linkspam for my video with Brian of A-Okay and my YA Interrobang interview.
- I had a nice chat with my online friend Denise on the phone for the first time. We've known each other for like a couple years now but hadn't ever talked on the phone, so that changed on Sunday. I also spent some of Friday evening on the phone with Sarah. Such a phone geek.
- I don't really talk about work very much. Well, work was heavy this week--we had to bust out a proposal quickly, and we got shortlisted on it the next day. They had also painted the office over the weekend so it's kind of a mess.
- I ate at Panera with Jeaux this week. We went to his house to watch America's Got Talent. Had fun talking about Internet drama.
- YouTube subscribers: 3,719 for swankivy (32 new this week), 371 for JulieSondra (no change). Twitter followers: 534 for swankivy (no change), 657 for JulieSondra (36 new--yeah, it's all still Pitch Wars). Facebook: 265 friends (friended Victor's girlfriend Tia and two Pitch Wars mentor friends) and 132 followers (3 new) for swankivy, 387 likes for JulieSondra (1 new), 48 likes for Negative One (no change), 79 likes for So You Write (1 new). Tumblr followers: 1,475 (16 new).
Books Read:
Read and reviewed (click to read the review):
Fairy Tales in Electri-City by Francesca Lia Block. Three stars.
Currently reading:
Clockwork by Philip Pullman.
Songs Sung:
The Indigo Girls: "Power of Two."
Videos Made:
None this week, but I'm going to post two next week.
Pictures Taken:
I seem to have taken zero pictures this week. It happens.
Stuff Drawn:
Negative One comic:
#0484: ivy #155: can you say Written this week:
Writing site:
Writing blog: