Asshole of the day 4/6/12

Apr 06, 2012 13:51

Asshole of the Day 4/6/12

Source: YouTube
Method of Communication: Public comments posted on my Asexual Bingo YouTube video
Type(s) of Fail: Mocking and condescending, "you're damaging your cause by being angry" bullshit
Result: Blocked (twice)

What you may need to know: My "Asexual Bingo" video, linked above, is humorous and occasionally snarky. It is a collection of all the worst and most insulting comments I've gotten regarding asexuality, and my response to each disgusting comment is to counter it with either a straight-up explanation of why it's misguided or some sarcastic comment to show how stupid these things are to say (e.g., "'Sex is necessary for the survival of a species.' Which means everyone needs to do it and no one is gay. End of story"). Every once in a while someone wanders in and tells me my "attitude" has been quite revealing about how this whole thing is actually about my anger, and they suggest my reactions have encouraged them to NOT accept asexuality as "real." You know, since I'm so angry. This guy is one of those.

Also, later in this story he accuses me of "having to go to a website to find friends"; he's talking about OKCupid, which I mention in the video. (It's when I'm addressing how ridiculous it is when people claim I signed up for OKCupid because I thrive on negative attention and love rejecting people who want to date me. I explain that I'm there for friends. Apparently this guy feels that doing so is a cry for help, a suggestion that I'm friendless and desperate. I've met some great people through OKCupid but no, I didn't join the site out of abject loneliness, nor are most of my friends from there. Ugh.)

First comment left on the video:


Seem a little irate and frustrated .. lol

That's right. It sure is funny that when people attack me and the whole legitimacy of my orientation, I respond by trying to elucidate how absurd they are. Isn't that cute?

My response:


Really? I would've thought the normal response to people mocking you, denying your existence, and threatening to rape you would be cheery nonchalance!

And now we get to the part about my responsibility to be a well-behaved minority.


Have you ever thought fire on fire just makes a bigger fire. Perhaps if "people mocking you, denying your existence, and threatening to rape you" actually bothers you, maybe you are not the best choice to represent asexuals? I mean if I was to base everything I know about asexuals (everything from your videos) I would have to say all the asexuals I know of (You and the people in your videos) are nothing more then a contemptuous resentful wretches.

Got that, everyone? We aren't supposed to MIND those rape threats. If we don't just take such things gracefully, smile and nod, and make sure we don't make anyone who's behaving disgustingly actually feel bad about unacceptable behavior, we're unqualified to "represent" our orientation! Haha. Here's what I said.


Ah, so if people are being asshats, it's a failing on my part to call them out and make them feel bad about it. Got it. It's kinda sad that you see "contemptible wretches" in people who are challenging the idea that we deserve to be shamed, mocked, threatened, and erased, but I guess you'll see what you want to see. I think irritation and frustration is pretty normal considering this is a showcase of all the most ignorant comments I've gotten, but I guess my job as the minority is to "behave."

I've seen this many times: if someone points out that this treatment is OUTRAGEOUS and therefore deserving of OUTRAGE, the majority who is made uncomfortable by our challenging their privilege starts wagging their little fingers and telling us we really just shouldn't be so angry or it'll be our fault people hate us. Your position here is laughable, and overused. Look up the "you're damaging your cause by being angry" on "Derailing for Dummies" and you'll see documentation of what you're doing.

Not that I thought he might actually do that.

Anyway, I'm less tolerant of bullshit than I used to be and didn't want to sit around waiting for this jackass to comment again, so I blocked him. He of course responded by switching to another account and commenting on my video again:

Donald John:

Nice Blocking.. ya, well good luck with that rage. Hope it keeps you warm at night. As you stated there won't be another to do it. So you're right you are a minority, being the first I have heard of, and being so hateful and such a small minority, you and your kind will puff out of existence. Also since I don't care for contemptuous people your cause in my mind like you and your kind (people in your videos) are obscure and insignificant. No wonder you have to go to a website to find friends.

Isn't he cute? Haha. ME AND MY KIND are going to "puff out of existence" because we're just horrible people and therefore he doesn't acknowledge us. That will make us disappear. Only things he recognizes are real! I'm gonna go cry!

Not. My response:


I see, any response constitutes rage. You're really terrible at this. Especially since you're trying so hard to shame me, throwing things that you really hope will HURT me in my face (keep warm at night, you don't have friends, etc.). I'm sorry you're so threatened by our existence, but it's really not my problem that people who don't think like you scare you so much. Your assumptions just show how insecure you are. You can stay ignorant about asexuality. Your lack of empathy isn't punishing us.

I blocked this account too. I guess he wasn't interested in creating a third account in order to harass me. What's odd is that at the same time his last comment notification hit my e-mail, I also got a notice that this alternate account of his had subscribed to me. Why would he do that? Maybe he's hoping his ignorant comments will show up in the next video and that will make him a successful troll, and he doesn't want to miss the show? (Yeah, man, let's talk about what keeps you warm at night. . . .)

asexual, asshole of the day, internet, net assholes

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