Asshole of the Day 2/11/12
Source: YouTube
Method of Communication: Public comments posted on my
Shit People Say to Asexuals YouTube video
Type(s) of Fail: Low insults propped up by pretenses of objective inquiry, trollishness
Result: Blocked two different accounts
What you may need to know: If you haven't seen the above video, there are sixteen
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One time a guy was hitting on me on OKCupid, and I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but then he gave me his phone number and told me to call him, so I told him I wasn't interested in calling him because we hadn't even had a real conversation yet. His response was this:
oh wow, you sound like a really difficult person, actually from your profile i thought you were bitchy, and you can't even make up your mind which sex you like better, i would say the snobbiness won't get you far in life little missy, i'm not going to jump through your bi-sexual hoops, sorry
HA. So he decided to pretend that he was rejecting me instead of the other way around--after he spent a couple messages trying to get in my pants--and he tried to use the fact that I'm marked as bisexual on OKCupid against me. You know, anything to shame me and make me feel like I missed a good catch. Not wanting to talk to HIM deserves PUNISHMENT, after all. My reply to him (after which I blocked him):
Haha, hilarious. I say I want to have something to talk about and don't give my number to every random guy who asks, and you say "what a bitch, you have standards!" Pretty funny how insecure guys like you toss off sad little insults to try to put a girl in her place at the slightest hint of rejection. And the bit where you pretended you'd read my profile is just the icing on the cake. I'm not bisexual, and I explain why I picked it anyway in my profile, but you're too busy trying to find something to insult so you feel like you didn't lose anything of value to even notice such things. I can certainly tell you that if you try to grasp at straws to bitch out anyone who doesn't fall at your feet without question, you're going to have a pretty sorry experience begging people to pay attention to you at this place. Try learning a little decorum, you poor little man.
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