Sep 22, 2010 03:28
Sometimes, when people don't know how to express themselves in acceptable, mature ways, they resort to word-based temper tantrums such as drive-by hatings.
Thinking their tantrums can never be traced to them, they go off with their snippy little rambles, venting their frustration in unacceptable ways. Attacking the character instead of the content of another person. Deliberately looking for places to hit below the belt.
This behavior isn't just annoying. To people like me, it's laughable.
It is so, so sad when someone is so insecure that they deal with it by trying to tear other people down. It makes me feel pity, but it doesn't make me feel hurt. If I know you're just trying to make me cry by kicking at something you think matters to me (e.g., my writing), would you believe I laugh instead? I do. Trying to hurt someone else on purpose is one of the lowest things someone can do, and it's pathetic. Pitiful.
But I can't be friendly with someone just because I pity them, and I certainly can't be friends with someone who deals with their anger in these appallingly stupid ways.
Do you want to know why you lose attention and friends even if you apologize for your transgressions afterwards? Because you do shit like this. And it's pretty insulting that you honestly believe I don't see the patterns people like you set.
Do yourself a favor and stop trying to hide behind Internet anonymity while you attempt to hurt people. (Emphasis on "attempt.") And stop wasting my time.
net assholes,
drive-by assholes,