Oh Melanie, you should probably start exercising a bit more discretion about who you talk to about your random flying baby. Just sayin'. Theresa would totally whup you.
#0262: ivy #46: do somethingNegative One main comic page There is also the
FIVE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY PAGE, which features silly photos of my celebratory cake, some stats, some gift photos, and . . . of course . . . links to new fanart and fanfiction. (And my
new YouTube video in tribute to baby Ivy, in case you haven't seen it.)
I got, so far, two fan writings (a poem and a story from Reeny), three pieces of art by fans (Reeny did a Paint doodle; Jessie made me some trading cards; Silverpaperplate did a big painting of Dax on canvas and made a YouTube video documenting her progress), and a very sweet gift of a potted plant from my mommy as an anniversary gift. ^__^ (Mom had it sent to my office! I felt so loved! She called me a "creative genius"! ::squeee::)
I'll keep adding the fanart and fanfiction as it comes in because people keep telling me they're sending late stuff!!! YAY!